Chapter Twø

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Thank god it's Friday, cause Friday's will always be better than any other day. The week went by pretty fast ,josh and I kinda drifted as his " squad " needed him . Blurry kept telling me that Josh hated me now . Every morning was the same as the very first . So when I woke up to a barren home I wasn't surprised .

Like every morning , I texted Josh notifying him I would be at our corner . I begin walking , the weather was as usual , clouds not only above my head but above the whole town . It makes me happy knowing the whole town would be dealing with these pesky little fuckers .

" The weather " deep inhale from the devilish being that is constantly harassing me " it's just ahhh , absolutely amazing , reminds me of someone " he places his eyes on me . I don't think he was trying to say I was amazing . " I'm not in trying to say that , what I'm trying to say is you are always being a depressed bitch " he finishes the sentences with a cheeky giggle . " Oh and don't ever forget I'm always right here " he puts his finger right on my forehead .

" Whatever blurry " I finished with a sigh . I come up on the corner and my Josh was missing . my phone goes off , a text from an unknown number . Before I can read it I get another text , Josh !

Josh : I'm not gonna be at the corner today .

I sat there in disappoint , I really wanted to see him , I really needed his good vibes .
So I decided not to answer . What I decided to do was read the message from the unknown number.

unknown : look faggot , how bout you leave my boy Josh alone . We don't need you turning him gay or nothing , so get the fuck out his life , k

Oh , oh is all I can think . I was already ticked off from not being able to see Josh in the morning but now this shit . I really wanted to just go off on this kid but I would probably just make a fool of myself . But obviously this kid was stupid as fuck . I just walked to school trying to keep high spirits .

" High spirits , what the actual fuck , dude ?! look I told you that Josh kid hates you . I bet you fifty bucks that Josh kid took his brother's phone or some shit and sent that to you himself . " He kept rambling on about how I'm a disgrace and so on but I ignored as good as I could .


School had come to an end and Josh left with his group . He looked me dead in the eye as he walked out . I just knew my emotions were soon to be arriving . I sat back down in my chair and with all the strength I had I fought off the tears . The teacher , Mr . Miller , walked over .

" Hey , Tyler is it , are you ok ? ", he spoke with a gentle voice ."

Trying extremely hard to keep the faucet behind my eyes shut , and my voice in check I spoke, " yea , I'm good " I finished by running out the room . I kept running , I stopped when I was about half way home . I sat down and cried my eyes out .

" Once again , I screwed a friendship up , I couldn't keep a single friend . I was a disgrace just like blurry said . I have no place in this world . I don't even know why I live anymore . Why must I wake up every morning if I'm such a weight on everyone's shoulders ?  " I spoke aloud , no one was around , and either way blurry would hear it .

" Tyler ?! Tyler what's wrong ?! " I heard a familiar voice call , followed by running .

Suddenly I feel hands grab a hold of me . The person was hugging me , comforting me . It reminded me of something Zack would do . When I peaked between a space where my arms couldn't completely keep me in a bubble , I saw the red hair and knew who it was . He sat there with a tight grip on me .

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