Chapter Four: Not Everything Goes As Planned

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That night, the Weasley twins were in the Potions classroom. They had just made a two week love potion. They made their way back to the Gryffindor common room with the potion in hand.

"What if he doesn't drink it?" Fred asked his twin as they sat in front of the fire.

"He will. We'll slip it into his pumpkin juice."

"How do you know he's going to have pumpkin juice during breakfast?"

"He always does."

"So, why are we doing this exactly?" Fred asked.

"Freddie," George started, "we're doing this because it's helping Arabella and her brother."

"You like her, don't you?" Fred asked with a smile.

"Who? Arabella?"


"No, I just..." George sighed in defeat. "Yes, I like Arabella. Happy?"

Still smiling, Fred replied, "Yes."

The next morning, while Harry was looking the other way, George slipped the love potion into Harry's pumpkin juice. He drew his hand back quickly as Harry turned back and drank a little. The twins smiled.

"What are you two smiling at?" Harry asked the twins.

Ron was sitting to the left of Harry, the twins across from them. Hermione was on the other side of Ron and across from Ginny. Neville was to the right of Harry, Luna across from him.

The twins shrugged and continued smiling. Harry was facing the Slytherin table and looked over at Draco Malfoy. He saw Draco looking down quickly. Harry drank the rest of his pumpkin juice and sighed heavily. He whispered something to Neville, then stood and walked off.

He went to the tower and sat against the wall. Harry looked out at the morning sky. He knew he had class in fifteen minutes, but he just didn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of people at the moment. He heard footsteps and saw Draco walk in. The young Slytherin stopped when he saw Harry.

"Do you want me to leave?" Draco asked.

Harry quickly shook his head.

"Can I sit with you?" The silvery eyed boy asked quietly.

Harry nodded.

Draco took a seat beside Harry, who was still looking at him. The young Gryffindor leaned forward a little until Draco could feel his breath on his lips. Their eyes locked for a brief second, then their lips met and their eyes closed. Harry placed his hand on Draco's cheek and the latter placed his hand on the other's bicep.

It as if time had stopped all together. It was a soft but passionate kiss. Each boy felt sparks shooting through his body. Harry licked Draco's bottom lip, he tasted cinnamon. As Draco let Harry's tongue enter his mouth, he could taste cherries and lemons. Draco breathed in through his nose and smelt pinecones and peppermint. Harry did the same and smelt mint and dark chocolate.

They eventually had to pull back due to lose of breath. They were panting and blushing. Draco look Harry in the eyes and noticed he had a speck of silver in them.

"Draco," Harry whispered, "there's green in your eyes."

The Slytherin blushed harder at the use of his first name. "You have silver in yours."

"Do you think it means something? Like a sign or something?"

"A sign for what?"

"That maybe we're soulmates or something."

"Do soulmates even exist?" Draco wondered.

"Maybe," Harry responded. "We should go to class before we're late."


The boys stood and made their way to DADA, which was still taught by Professor Lupin. (In this story, Lupin never left Hogwarts. Also, Dumbledore, Lupin, Sirius, and Fred never die.) Lupin was Harry's mentor, so if he was late to class he wouldn't get in trouble. But if Draco was late, he would loose fifty house points (Lupin hated giving out detentions). They arrived just before class started.

Harry looked to his friends. Ron was sitting with Hermione. Ginny was sitting with Luna. Neville was sitting by himself. Harry sat with Neville in the front right corner. Ron and Hermione were to their side, Ginny and Luna behind Harry and Neville. The twins weren't in that class with them. Harry looked over at Draco, who was now sitting with Arabella, and smiled. Draco caught his eye and smiled back.

"Harry," Neville whispered, "who are you smiling at?"

The young Chosen One looked to his right where Neville was seated. "No one," Harry whispered back.

"It was Malfoy, wasn't it?" Neville had lowered his voice enough so that only Harry heard him.

Harry blushed, then nodded. "We kissed in the tower after I left breakfast."

"So, you guys are dating?"

"I don't know. For the past week and a half that we've been back to school, I haven't stopped thinking about."

"So, you like him?" Harry nodded.

Neville looked into Harry's eyes, then to Draco who was now talking to Arabella, then back to Harry.

"Do you love him?" Neville asked.

Harry shrugged. "I don't know."

"I saw George slip something onto your drink this morning."

"Do you know what it was?" Harry asked. He didn't feel much different then he did yesterday, except more happy because he and Draco kissed.

"It looked like a love potion," Neville replied. "When you told me you and Malfoy kissed, I thought it was because of the potion. But then you said you liked him for two weeks already."

"What does it mean?" Harry questioned.

"It means that if it was a love potion, it didn't work."

"Why not?"

"Because you already love him."

Harry was about to reply, but Lupin walked in and began class.

Harry had to find the twins and question them.

Am I really in love with Draco?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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