Auror Training

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I woke up in the morning to find Draco half- falling down his bed, his covers thrown over his head and looking in danger of falling to the floor.

Sighing, I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and walked down into the Great Hall, grabbed a plate of toast and a cup of hot coffee, and sat down to eat.

I heard Crookshanks come down the stairs, and I only realised a couple of minutes later that no one else was in the Great Hall apart from Ernie MacMillan and Draco Malfoy, who had followed Crookshanks into the Hall.

He grabbed a bowl of apples and sat down, to my surprise and embarrassment, next to me. It became a very awkward moment, with both of us looking down at our food, and not talking at all.

After a few minutes of torture, I heard someone approach our table. Looking up, I saw Harry and Ron, with Blaise Zabini from Slytherin.

'Uh, hi, Harry..........Ron.' I muttered.

'Hey, Hermione!' Harry replied with overdone cheerfulness, squishing between Draco and I, deliberately excluding Draco, while Ron shot daggers at him, his face red, with embarrassment or anger, I couldn't tell.

'Hey, um, Hermione? We just wanted to come tell you, that's kind of including Blaise too, since he's going-' Harry started.

'Going where?'  I interrupted.

'To Auror training.' Blaise put in with a lopsided grin.

'Oh. Okay.' I tried to process this slowly in my brain.

'Doesn't mean you won't have any friends, though.' Ron put in with a sneer. 'Malfoy here would be your best mate for the next few months, won't he?'

Taking a deep breath, I stalled for a couple of seconds, 'Are you saying that I will be friendless for a couple of months? Where's Ginny then?'

'Oh, Ginny is coming with us. You know, just having a holiday...' Harry attempted a smile.

It didn't work.

'Hey, it's okay.' came the unmistakeable drawl of Malfoy, 'I'll keep you company.'

I shot a look of disgust in his direction. Like I wanted his company.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2013 ⏰

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