The Breakup

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As I sat down in a compartment next to Harry, Ginny and Hermione, I spotted Malfoy outside, looking pissed. I laughed out loud at his expression.

‘What’s so funny, Ron?’ Hermione asked.

‘Nothing... apart from Malfoy’s stupid expression.’ I smirked.

‘Ron!’ Hermione scolded, ‘Don’t be mean!’

‘And since when did you stand up for retards like Malfoy?’ Ginny wanted to know.

I agreed- Malfoy was a total git.

‘Enough about Malfoy,’ Hermione said, her face red, ‘I have something to announce. And I think Harry and Ginny should probably hear about this too.’

‘Yeah. What about?’ Harry asked, shifting so he could put an arm around Ginny.

Hermione took a deep breath.

‘I’ve decided that I want a bit of alone time this year..’ she began timidly.

‘And?’ I prompted, not getting her trail of thought. Not that I usually did, either.

‘I think that you and I are a bit different, Ron, and maybe we should lay off our relationship for a while, you know, just to calm down a bit and think about schoolwork...’ Hermione trailed off.

I saw red. Literally.

‘Is this about Malfoy?’I asked, trying keep my voice calm.

‘Malfoy?’ Hermione squeaked, ‘No, why would this be about Malfoy?’

But I wasn’t listening. Trembling with fury, I slammed the door to the compartment shut, and stormed down the corridor, stopping outside Malfoy’s compartment, where he was snogging Pansy Parkinson.

Tearing the door open, I stormed in.

‘What did you do to Hermione?’ I gritted.

‘Huh? What are you talking about, Weasel? Why would I do anything to the Mudblood? It’s not like I want to get my fingers filthy.’ Malfoy sneered.

I didn’t really mean to let it all out, but before I knew it, Malfoy and I were rolling around on the floor, trying to throw as many punches as possible. Dimly I heard Harry and Hermione’s voices, screaming , and hands pulling at my robes. By the time Harry pulled me off, the damage was done. Malfoy had a bleeding nose, and judging by the swelling of my eye, I was sporting a massive bruise.

Professor McGonagall walked onto the train just as it stopped at Hogwarts.

‘Mr Weasley, Mr Malfoy? Please follow me.’ She said in a clipped voice.

God, I was soo screwed. Literally.

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