The Heir Apparent

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Author's Note: I decided to start separating these out. The volume thing will only work so far. I didn't anticipate having so many chapters.


"Lord Cooler, you wished to see me?"

Your eyes went over his posture like clockwork, like you always did when meeting someone intending to hire you. Stood straight--holds himself in high regard, strict personal code. Arms crossed, eyes narrow, annoyance at having to be here--no, annoyance at being kept waiting. Apology, what can I do for you, put at ease.

"I'm sorry for the wait." Pause for effect, wait for snarky remark.

"Yes. Well, I could've been forgotten here and found out, and then it would've been your fault."

Very perturbed. Possibly related to contract. Proceed with query (and caution).

"To whose existence do I owe your presence here?"

"I'm sure you can guess."

Mind game. Wants me to say it first, so he can feel as if it is my idea. Guilt? No. Hesitation to act. Careful. Methodical.

"In my line of work, my lord, I prefer not to guess."

"You're an intelligent woman, then." Cooler paused, "My brother, Frieza, is your target."

You nodded. "Difficult. But not impossible. Physically untouchable, it would be a suicide mission, and we discourage those. But you, of course, have already thought of that."

He nodded, and went on with a wry sort of smile. "Ironic that you should say he is untouchable."

"That is my in, then, as we in the business would say," you replied, "He is looking for a blanket, is he?"

"Certainly." Cooler drew up an odd-looking device you couldn't place for a minute, it looked almost like a mechanical pen. Click, inhale...exhale smoke?

Ah, yes, a vapor device. Wishes to avoid the health ramifications of smoking, yet wants the relaxation. Moving on.

"Is there a certain time frame you wish this to be completed in?" Professional, put client at ease by looking and sounding competent and confident.

"It does not much matter to me when it is done by. It will likely take some time for you to gain enough of his trust so as to have the opportunity. However, there is also the risk of his getting bored of you, so I would say the timetable for ideal chance is somewhere between one and two years. You may have possibly longer than that to work if you cater to his..." here Cooler wrinkled his nose before taking another deep inhale from the vaping device, and didn't speak again until he'd exhaled, "...bizarre power fetish."

Brief statement to acknowledge receipt of information, otherwise ignore statement. Clear discomfort, feign ignorance.

"We were not under the impression that he cared much for blankets, but I am confident this will not be an issue."

"Do you know why he is the favorite?" Cooler asked.

"His strength?"

"It's..." another inhale. There was then a sudden scent of strawberries and lime as the cloud about him drifted in your direction.

He prefers fruity flavors. Doesn't indulge in sweets very often. Reaffirmed earlier hypothesis that he is very strait-laced.

Sometimes you wondered why this analyzing seemed to happen almost constantly, but then you'd remember the extensive study you'd done during your apprenticeship. Any detail could be the thing that helps you eliminate the target, any little discovered habit could help. You'd been doing it so long you had notes on just about everyone, and it had become a hobby of sorts.

Another cloud of vapor started to form around him as he exhaled. "'s because he's just like my father. Now, the agreed-upon amount has already been placed in your account. Are there any more questions?"

"None, my lord. You've given me everything that I need."


This job had you excited, raring to go.

Immortality in life was one thing, but immortality after death was quite another. You would succeed, and everyone would remember you as the woman who took down the most infamous intergalactic ruler...and they'd remember it long after you died. Who cared if you'd have to use poison? A clean kill was still a clean kill. The problem would be getting it onto the ship, but that wouldn't come until later and there was no point in fretting over it.

You applied for and received a job in Frieza's army, specifically on board his main ship (thanks, of course, to Cooler's connections) under the name "Lima." As you were changing into your new underarmor suit you were mulling over what you'd been told about Frieza's preferences.

Legs. He was a definite fan of a woman with nice legs, you thought, as you finished getting on the underarmor suit before pulling on your armor as well. Your legs were exposed; the suit you'd been given was of the variation that put one in mind of a one-piece bathing suit with attached sleeves. If he liked them that much, then this was sure to rile him up.

Not that it disgusted you--a job was a job, and you did what it took to get it done.

The second thing you found was that he seemed to have taken a liking to keeping saiyan women around for his needs. Aside from being warm, they tended to have sexual appetites close to or (in the case of the last one he'd had) equal to his. He'd gone through seven or eight of them by now and you'd actually spoken to one--quite by accident, of course. It wasn't YOUR fault, was it, that the news of your taking this position in his army had gotten out, now was it? You'd asked if he'd make any moves when she stopped to 'congratulate' you. She laughed and said that it was a matter not of if, but when.

You told yourself you were not to show first interest; you were to let him do it first. To do otherwise might cause problems. He'd not let on about it, but you knew he'd probably wonder about it if you outright went after him. Maybe he'd mentally settle at first for his reputation preceding him, and later move to doubts about your real motives; that was the last thing you needed.

Your research had revealed that he also liked to be surprised with his next blanket. Once his preference got out, he'd be "sent" a woman shortly after he got bored of the last one; though she'd be merely "sent" in the sense that she was, like you, put on the ship as an average soldier. After that, they'd wait; and he'd make a move.

It was easy to figure out why; female saiyans were strong but not strong enough to be a threat to him; they tended to not be afraid of him--and it was through this they provoked him into taking the control he desperately craved over everything. Most importantly, it kept them in the place he thought they should be: beneath him, literally and figuratively.

Megalomaniacal, arrogant, but very careful, you thought. Oh yes. This would definitely be the target of a lifetime.

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