The First Move

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Your job aboard the ship basically equated to guard duty, and occasionally, dealing with drunks in the ship bar. (Privately you thought that your becoming his blanket must be expected and they didn't want to rely on you for something important only to have Frieza monopolize all your time later...a good move, you thought). Now and again you found yourself astonished that it was big enough to have one. Most of them were fairly easy to figure out. They didn't like being there but they did it and lived for "the weekend" as some people might put it.

Frieza, though...

You'd waited, like you told yourself was wise, but nothing had happened.

And it had been three weeks.

He'd gone by you a time or two in the corridors, but had given you no more than a sideways glance each time. You thought of these as you noted him coming up the hallway yet again, and determined yourself to observe everything you possibly could about his behavior. Any little thing could be helpful, after all.

A forward-looking glance, a slight glare in his eyes...he was either angry about something or extremely focused, but there was little to go on elsewhere. Wait--there was something. A twitch in the tip of his tail.

He wasn't angry. He was irritated. Which for him, readily progressed in a rapid way.

You made a slight bow as he passed, but he made no reply and in fact did not even look at you.

This was not progressing at all the way you'd thought. True, you hadn't expected to do this overnight. The year or so Cooler had given you was what you used as a base as to the minimum of how long it would take for you to get the opportunity. But you had thought that by now Frieza would at least have...

Well, at the very least, you would be seeing him later in the afternoon.

Of late, you'd been told, Frieza had been personally aiding in breaking in some new personnel on board, by giving what he called "training demonstrations." It sounded interesting enough, but you gathered that he had the inclination to beat a few heads in and see who was worth keeping and who wasn't. It was a roundabout way to go about the process in your opinion, but yours was of course not the view that mattered.


The minion dodged, but a second later was struck across the face. He tried to strike, but Frieza knocked him back. Then there was a kick, a ki blast, both of which missed--horribly.

He'd done better than the last few, at least.

Frieza, on the other hand...his abilities were more than impressive. He was quick, and the force behind--

You shook your head as the minion fell to the floor.

"Those of you who aren't prepared to take a hit like that can resign your commissions now," Frieza said. His posture changed as he landed--his hands moved behind his back, fists touching. Standing straight. Wanting to look taller, and if not taller, then at least more official and intimidating. And that look on his face, it was serious and amused all at once. Perhaps he just wanted to scare off the cowards.

None of the others moved, although you were reasonably certain there'd be a few...terminal resignations.

One did not leave this army, after all.

"I feel like one more will do the trick," he said suddenly, "Do I have any more volunteers?"

Much as you hated to do it, you knew that you had to, if for no other reason than to engage his attention. Even a few minutes would buy you some time.

Regalia (A Frieza x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now