Teeth Collecting and Talking

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Somewhere, possibly Japan or China (please tell me if you know where they were when they were collecting teeth)

Josh POV

"Haha! Quickly! Quickly!" I heard North said while jumping from roof to roof. "Hop to it, rabbit! I'm five teeth ahead!" Jack taunted Aster as he jumped ahead of him while I was flying with my wings besides Aster. "Yeah, right. Look, I'd tell you to stay out of our way, but, really, what's the point? 'Cause you won't be able to keep up anyway." Aster said as he ran roof to roof. 'Our' meaning me and Aster since I asked could I team up with him since I haven't hung out with him for awhile. "Is that a challenge, cottontail?" Jack asked Aster. I smirked. "Tsk tsk tsk, Jack, you should know better than that. After all, everyone knows that..." "You don't want to race a rabbit, mate." Aster said, finishing my sentence as we sped ahead of Jack.

"A race? Is it a race? This is going to be epic!" I heard North say from different roof tops, or should I say chimneys.

Me and Aster were already at one house when Jack was about to jump in through the window and saw Aster taunting him with a tooth in his paw. Jack then froze Aster with an unamused look on his face and then left. "Oh Aster..." I said with a slightly amused look on my face looking at his lower half frozen body. "Help a bunny out, mate?" Aster asked with a face that said 'not funny'. "Sorry." I said as I unfroze him. He then hopped in the huge hole he made in the floor. "Come on Josh! We're not about to let Frostbite beat us." Aster told me. "Right." I said as I put a quarter under the child's pillow and then hopped in with him.

In another city~

"Jackpot!" Aster said as he pulled out five teeth from under a boys pillow. I then put five quarters under the boy's pillow and tapped Aster's shoulder as I looked around the boys room to see a bunch of hockey trophies. Aster then looked around the room as well. "Looks like you're bit of a brumby, eh, mate?" Aster said, looking at the sleeping child.

Elsewhere, I flew in another child's window to find Jack in the room, tossing three teeth in the air with his hand while looking at me tauntingly. Now, it was my turn to look at him with an unamused look on my face as I pointed my left index finger at him as he yelped as I shot a pink light that trapped him in a pink crystal before placing three quarters under the child's pillow, grabbed the teeth that were now sitting on the crystal Jack sculpture and flew out the window. "Don't worry Jack, it's only temporary." I told Jack as I didn't make the crystal soundproof.

Later ~

I hopped in another window before Jack hopped in behind me a minute later. Until he fell in one of Aster's holes in the floor as Aster hopped out of another one and laughed at Jack. Good thing I was in the air, that could've been me.

Later ~

Me and Aster were in another child's bedroom and were about to grab a tooth under the pillow. Until Aster lifted the pillow to see a paper with an arrow pointing to the window. "What the!?" I said as we turned around to see North hop down from the window laughing.

On a roof top, Aster stood with a tooth in his paw until ice started forming under his feet, causing him to slide down the roof. "Crikey!" Aster yelled. Before he fell, Jack grabbed the tooth from him. "Ha! Yes!" Jack exclaimed, until Sandy appeared upside down and took the tooth from him. "No!" Jack yelled as Sandy flew away on a golden sand cloud. Until I swooped by Sandy and took the tooth from him. "Thanks!" I yelled as I flew towards Aster.

In another house, me and Aster were standing in front of a fireplace with Aster holding a lit match, lighting the fireplace that North was about to land in. I was standing there laughing with a hand over my mouth to cover my laugh as Aster lit the fireplace. "Ho ho ho" Aster said mockingly as I laughed harder when North yelled in pain. "Aster, your a genius!" I said in-between laughs. Aster looked at me with a grin. "Why, thank you, mate." He said as he grabbed me by the waist and hugged me close to him. We both looked at each other but then looked away, both of us blushing as he let go of me. 'Why does my heart beat so fast when he holds me close?' I thought.

New York City ~

We now find ourselves standing in front of Tooth with bags in our hands full of teeth. Wow, that did not sound right at all.

"Wow! You guys collect teeth and leave gifts as fast as my fairies." As soon as Tooth said that, Jack's, Aster's, North's, and Sandy's triumphed faces turned to a frown and a look of realization.

"You guys have been leaving gifts, right?" Tooth asked in concern. Sandy then nodded his head, but then shook it as a 'no'. The guys, except for me, winced as they thought that they needed to go back around again.

As all of them were leaving, I grabbed Aster's left shoulder to stop him. Aster turned around to look at me. "Whatcha ya need? We have to go get the quarters." Aster said to me. I chuckled in amusement as he said that before he gave me a confused look. "What's so funny?" He asked. I cupped my hand to whisper something in his right ear. "There's no need to, I already put quarters under each pillow of every children that we took teeth from." I whispered while grinning.

Aster than looked at me with a surprised look, but then he too developed a grin. He then, yet again, hugged me close to him. I blushed as I hugged him back while my heart started to beat faster. I looked around to see that Tooth wasn't with us. 'She must have went with them to get the quarters.' I thought as I looked back at Aster's face as he gave me a warm smile. 'Why am I starting to blush when Aster hugs me? Why does my heart beat fast when he holds me close? I feel sad when we let go... It's like... I-I don't want for us to stay apart... I... I want him to hold me close... And never let go. These feelings... Do I love Aster?' I thought.

Bunnymund POV

I looked down at Josh with a warm smile. "Thanks, mate. You saved us, more so me, the trouble of goin' through that again." I told Josh as I held him close. I blushed a bit while thinking. 'Why am I startin' to hold Josh so close to me now? Why do I feel sad when we let go of each other? And why was it that I feel a bit sad when he's not by my side? Even though I don't show it. When he smiles at me, why do I feel my heart beating faster? Do I... Do I really like Josh more than a best friend?'

"Aster, can I ask you something?" Josh asked. "Yea, what is it, mate?" I asked, still hugging him close to me. "After this, we're going to your place, right?" He asked. "Yea, to get ready for Easter, it is only tomorrow, mate." I told him. (Did I get the day right?)

"Well, does that mean that I will finally get to see your 'warren' that you told me about when I was younger?" He asked. Now that I think about it, I did tell him about my home years ago. I chuckled as I smiled at him. "Yes, you'll see my warren. And I know you will really love it, mate." I told him. Josh then started to rub his head against my chest as he started to shiver a bit from the breeze passing us. I held him closer, I don't want this moment to end. Unfortunately, luck was not on my side as I hear the others coming back. 'Well, time sure does fly by when your talking or doin' stuff' I thought.

We then let go of each other before anyone could notice. We got on North's ride from hell, and left through one of his portals, via, his special snow globes.

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