Pitch, Easter Disaster, and The Truth

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Josh POV

Me, Aster, North, and Tooth were now walking towards where the Easter egg hunt was being held. But now that I notice, we haven't heard from Jack yet.

Where is Jack? It can't take him that long to take Sophie home. Unless...

At that very moment, I felt the need to pee. Now that I think about it, how come I didn't need to go anywhere until now? Oh well...

I stop where I stood. Aster must've not heard my footsteps as one of his ears move upwards, and then he turned around towards me.

"You all right, mate?" He asked me in concern as the rest turned to me. "Yeah, it's just that I need to uhh...go since throughout this entire crazy thing, I haven't gone once. I'll catch up with you guys in a bit." I told them. Aster nodded. "All right. See you in a bit then." He told me as I turned around to go to a secluded area to do my business.

After I was done, I sighed in relief. I zipped up my pants and left the area. But as soon as I did, I heard a familiar laughter that belonged to Pitch. I stood on guard as I looked around in caution.

"All right Pitch, where are you? What have you done to Jack!? He didn't come back, so I know you have something to do with it! The timing was too perfect, since he was by himself at the time!" I said out loud.

The same laughter continued for another minute or so, until Pitch appeared from the shadow of a tree in front of me.

"My my...your quite the smart one, aren't you?" Pitch said with a smile on his face.

"What have you done to Jack?" I repeated myself as I glared at him.

"Oh nothing, just gave him what he wanted, his memories." Pitch said

My eyes widen as he said that. "What did you do to gain his attention? I know Jack wouldn't just walk up to you. Nor would you go to him, seeing that he has an advantage in power." I told him as I narrowed my eyes.

Pitch chuckled. "Oh that's easy. Did you know that if ones desire to find there memories is strong enough, they can hear the voices coming from those memories?" He asked me.

My eyes widen in realization. "You...you used his memories against him. To get him to come to you..." I said in shock.

Pitch's smile turned into a grin at this point. "Yes, not only did I give him the memories, he left poor little Baby Tooth in a haste to check up on that pathetic bunny when he saw all those eggs I crushed. Now, what do you think will happen, when the Guardians notice that he has his teeth and Baby Tooth isn't there?" He said.

I gasped as I realized what would happen. My eyes widen as a look of horror came on my face. "They'll think that he was with you the entire time, and think he betrayed them for you for his own selfish gain. They'll hate him, and he'll be devastated." I said as tears came to my eyes.

My face of horror changed to absolute rage. "What do you hope to gain from this!?" I asked angrily.

Pitch, to my annoyance, laughed again. "A new ally." That was all he said before disappearing into the shadows.

I heard a sleigh fly above me as I look up to see them fly by, but no Jack.

"No...no...nonononono!!!" I yelled in absolute disbelief. I then ran to where the Easter egg hunt was being held and saw nobody there. I then notice something on the ground. I walked up to it and picked it up to see a baby North matryoshka doll that Jack had. I clenched the doll hard in my hand, then turned my head to yell to the high heavens.

"PITCH!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!! YOU HEAR ME!?!?" I yelled in my deep angry voice.

I'm now flying in the sky, looking for North's workshop at the North Pole. It took me three hours to find his workshop. I then descended on the ground in front of the big door entrance. I knocked, in other words, punched the door hard, in hopes that someone heard me.

A moment later, one of the yetis opened the door and looked down at me in confusion. "Are the Guardians here?" I asked in desperation. The yeti nodded. I sighed in relief. "Please let me in. I have to talk to them now!" I exclaimed in desperation. The yeti then let me in as I zoomed around the place, looking for them.

I eventually found them lounging around in the workshop area, looking quite weak. When I looked at Aster, something was definitely wrong. Aster looked about 5 foot 6, instead of 6 foot 1. Now wasn't the time to worry about that. I ran to them. "Guys!" I yelled as they turned there heads to me. Aster spoke first in worry. "Josh! Where have you been!? We were worried sick!" He told me.

I shook my head. "No time for that!! Where's Jack!?" I asked in desperation. All there faces went from relief to sorrow, in Aster's case, anger. When I looked in Aster's eyes, I no longer saw the hope that was always in his eyes, in fact, they just showed hopelessness. Which means one thing...oh my god...

"That traitor was working with Pitch!! He came back with his teeth in hand!! Because of him and Pitch, Easter was ruined!!!" Aster yelled in anger, saying traitor like it was a bad taste in his mouth.

I covered my mouth in horror as I heard what Aster said. 'Oh no...Pitch was right...No! I have to fix this!!!' I thought as I looked back at him and the rest.

"You guys! You have it all wrong!!! It was all Pitch! Not Jack!!!" I told them. They all looked at me in confusion. "What are you talking about?" North asked me.

"Pitch used the sound of Jack's memories against him, to make Jack come to him!!! He purposely gave Jack his teeth because he knew that you'd all think that he betrayed you for his personal gain and hate him!!! Pitch was the one who destroyed the eggs!!! That's why the kids couldn't find any eggs!!! Pitch wants to get rid of you guys, but Jack was an obstacle in his way!!! So he needed a way to get him out of the picture!!" I told them as there faces changed from sorrow and anger, to horror.

"What have we done..." Tooth said in absolute horror.

"How do you know all this, Josh?" North asked me.

I looked down in anger and punched the pillar next to me, making the Guardians jump. "When I got done my business, Pitch came to me and told me, he purposely distracted me because he knew that I would try and defend Jack, ruining his plan!" I yelled in anger.

"Why would Pitch go through the trouble of doing that?" Aster asked me.

I looked up at him. "He said that he wanted a new ally." I told them as they gasped and then there faces went from shock to absolute horror. "Crikey..." I heard Aster say as I turned around to leave.

"I'm going to go look for Jack." I told them as I left the workshop area. "What!? Josh! You can't g-" Aster tried to protest, until interrupted him. "Aster! Look at all of you!!! Tooth can barely fly! North can barely walk using his swords as crutches! And you are getting smaller!! Me and Jack are the only ones not affected by the loss of believers!! Plus, I have super speed!! I can find him." I said to them before turning back and about to exit the building.

"Wait!" I heard Aster say as I turn around and face him as he hopped towards me. He grabbed my shoulders, looking at me, ready to say something, until he sighed. He then looked me in the eye. "Make sure you come back safely, okay? Please..." He asked me as I hugged him.

"I will." I told him before I kissed him. He kissed me back before he moved back away from the door. I turned around and opened the door. I left the building, closed the door, and summoned my wings again before taking off. Looking for Jack.

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