Strength, Sandmans Return, Fun, Goodbye Pitch, and Oath.

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Josh POV

After getting Jamie's friends to believe, we were now standing, looking at Pitch as we see huge amounts of black sand moving towards.

"You think a few children can help you? Against this?" Pitch said gesturing to his massive amount of black sand cornering us and the kids.

North raised his sword, only to let it down as he was too weak from lack of believers. Jamie gasped behind us. Jack turned to him.

"They're just bad dreams, Jamie." Jack told Jamie.

"And we'll protect you, mate." Aster said adding his two cents.

"You'll protect them? But who will protect you?" Pitch asked us as some of started having doubts, except for me. I glared at Pitch as I summoned my whole keyblade in my left hand as Jack was about to stand beside me. To our surprise, Jamie stood in front of us.

"I will." Jamie told Pitch.

"I will." Cupcake said as she stood in front with Jamie. Soon, all of the kids followed they're example and stood in front of us.

"Still think there's no such thing as the Boogeyman?" Pitch asked the kids as waves of his black sand hurdles towards us.

"I do believe in you. I'm just not afraid of you." Jamie told Pitch as the black sand came closer to us. But as soon as the black sand reached Jamie's outstretched hands, all of the sand turned gold. Strings of gold sand floated everywhere. All of us looked around happily, more so, Tooth an North as they regained they're strength back.  Pitch however, was not happy.

"No! Get them! Do your jobs!" Pitch yelled to his Nightmares as they charged towards us. North by then, threw two of his snow globes down on the ground as two portals opened up as yetis came running out of them. The kids looked on in awe.

I looked over to see Aster's little form running from the Nightmares. "I'm just a bunny!" He yelled as he hid under a car. I rolled my eyes at that comment. We both know that doesn't mean that he's innocent, and I should know. ;-)

The Nightmares then dug under the car and pulled Aster out from under by the tail. To my utter joy, Aster was back to being 6 ft 1 again!

"G'day, mate." Aster said as he kicked the Nightmare in the face and hit both of them with his boomerangs. He then tapped the ground as a big hole opened up. What came out was those sentient egg statues of his.

"Let's get 'em!" I heard Cupcake say as she and the other kids ran towards a Nightmare and turned it into gold sand as soon as they touched it.

While the others were busy dealing with the Nightmares, me and Jack landed a rooftop away from Pitch as he turned around and looked at us in anger.

I made the first move and swiped at the Nightmares that stood with him with my keyblade. Some into gold sand and some into nothingness. Jack shot a frost beam at Pitch, which he dodged and ran on his Nightmare as he shot some black sand at Jack who also dodged. From there, it was me, Jack, and Pitch attacking and dodging.

We lost him for a second, until we turned a corner on the roof and saw him pointing the same arrow that killed Sandy at us. We stood there in shock as he shot the arrow at us. Before it was about to hit, Tooth came flying by and destroyed it.

"Thanks, Tooth." Me and Jack said as she destroyed a Nightmare. From a chimney nearby, Aster popped out, to my surprise, and threw a boomerang at Pitch, which he dodged but his Nightmares weren't so lucky. From where we stood I saw North pop out of another, but it was a few rooftops away from us.

We had Pitch on the run as his Nightmares that he was riding on, jumped the rooftop, unfortunately for him, he was heading in North's direction. North took that opportunity to jump and slay the Nightmare as Pitch fell and land on his feet on the streets.

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