House painting

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Maya's pov
Today was the day we went to the new house and painted our rooms. Ross and Ryland are inviting Ashely and Raffaella to come with us I'm so excited. When we all got into the car we went straight to the house.


Riker's pov
Once we pulled up we parked the car and went inside with the paint. Once we got inside we all split up to paint our rooms.

Ross's pov
Ashely and I are going up to paint my room. I think I'm going to ask her to marry me I hope she says yes.i need to do something special. Anyways  I'm painting my room yellow and Ashely is painting her room blue. Of course Rydel  is painting her room pink. Maya is painting her room coral( yes coral is a color ). After we painted our rooms we left and now it's time to say goodbye to Ashely  I  kissed her and said goodbye.

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