Dance and Gymnastics

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You were making it a daily thing to play a bit then go and play on the computer. Goldie thought you needed to do some other activities. Since you could never really leave the pizzaria yet he decided to have you do something. When you were off playing, Goldie looked up something that girls your age could do as a sport but in doors. Anything with a ball was out because you could end up breaking something so the only thig you were able to do was dance and gymnastics, or some of the stuff in gymnastics. 

You were laying on the couch when Goldie came in and knelt next to the couch. "Oh (y/n)!" Goldie sang. "Yus?" You asked. "Would you like to do some dance and a bit of gymnastics?" He asked. You thought about it. "Sure!" You say getting up. 

Freddy had moved the tables aside and layed out some padding from the small childs area. "First we stretch!" Goldie said. 

----------long time skip----------- 

It has been about three weeks and you have been getting really good at both gymnastics and dance. Both Freddy and Goldie were very proud. They decided that night you would do a small recidal. You had practiced some choreography for it and picked the music, (song of choice). That night you had preformed extreamly well on the stage. As you took a bow Goldie jumpped up on stage and hugged you. "Great job (y/n)!" Goldie said happily. Freddy was crying and saying how grown up you were, he was proud as well. 

A/N: Hiya! I know I haven't done a author note in a while, but I'm running out of ideas and wanted to make two or three more chapters to close this series. If there is any other x child reader anyone wants me to wright I will take it into though. I have two other stories Im doing right now and there both Undertale. I've been working on this story for a while and want to finish it. Let me know if anyone maybe has a request for a few more final scenarios before I close the book. If you make a request and you don't see it in the book it's probably because I couldn't think of how to put it in. X3

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