"6" Dynamic Duo

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You arrived at S.T.A.R labs. "Good you are here" Cisco said. "Yeah" you said. "I finished your outfit" Cisco said. "Really" you asked. "Yep. Go try it on" Cisco said.

 Go try it on" Cisco said

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"It's awesome" you said. "Wow Ramon" your father said. "You do realize, I'm going to need a weapon to protect myself" you said. "Already on that" Cisco said, leaving to go grab something. Cisco came back with a bow and arrows in his hands. "Here is your weapon" Cisco said.

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"Dude, these are sick" you said

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"Dude, these are sick" you said. "Do you even know how to use a bow" Barry asked you. "Yeah. I trained a lot with bows and arrows" you said. "Really" Cisco asked. "Yep" you said.

Time Skip....
You were training with the bow and the arrows. You were aiming at the middle of the target. You shot the arrow, and it landed in the center. "Woah" Barry commented behind you. "Thanks" you said. "You might even be better than Oliver" Cisco said. "Who is Oliver" you asked. "You will meet him soon" Caitlyn said.

Time Skip....
You drew back your bow, again and shot. The arrow, you shot, landed in the center. "Woah, Oliver. She might be better than you" a guy said, behind you. You turned around. "Y/N. Meet Oliver Queen and John Diggle" Barry said. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Queen and Mr. Diggle" you said. "Can we tell her, Oliver" Barry asked, Oliver. "Sure" Oliver said. "Also, Oliver is the Green Arrow" Barry said. "Let me guess. She is a vigilante, too" Oliver asked. "Vigilante and Metahuman" you said. "What powers do you have" Oliver asked, you. "Time travel and I can shoot sonic blasts out of my hands" you said. "Woah" said Diggle. "She is actually what we need, too" Oliver said. "Wait, what" you asked, Oliver. "There is a shapeshifter in Star City" Oliver said. "Why do you need me, though" you asked, him. "Your powers can find him and Barry can take him out" Oliver said. "Ok" you said. "Let's go to Star City" Barry said. "Wait. There is one more thing that I forgot to give Y/N" Cisco said. "What is it" you asked. "Follow me" Cisco said, walking out of the cortex. You and everybody else followed him. He lead you to, a sweet, black motorcycle, outside.

 He lead you to, a sweet, black motorcycle, outside

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"Dude,this is sweet" you said. "I know right" Cisco said. "I guess I'll be riding this to Star City" you said. "Yeah, but you might want to change out of that" Caitlyn said. "Oh yeah" you said, going back into S.T.A.R. labs. You came back in your regular outfit, with your vigilante outfit in a bag, on your motorcycle. "Let's go" you said.

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