"I still sleep when I was stressed out~"
Shifting I frowned and slowly opened my eyes trying to find where it was that the noise was coming from.
Glancing over at Chris's bed I say a cute blond making musical.ly.
Furrowing my eyebrows I stared at him in utter confusion until his features became clearer.
Shit... So this is that homicidal hottie Chris met last night....wait. What the fuck is he doing here?
I was about to say something when suddenly Chris bounced in to the room and jumped on the bed beside him and made a funny face.
He laughed and pushed her out of the camera view causing her to fall of the bed and land in between me and her own bed. She looked at me and I quickly pretended to be sleeping.
I heard them both burst out in laughter and mentally groaned.
Slowly opening my eyes i saw Chris and noticed she was trying to stay out of his musical.ly but he pulled her back into the camera with him. She started dancing to the song with him then it ended.
"That's great ." homicidal hottie laughed.
"What's your musical.ly so I can tag you in it." He asked.
I held in a laugh as she made a face that he understood right away.
"Your telling me you don't have one." He practically yelled.
She just shrugged.
He sat staring on her bed staring at her expectantly.
She sighed and whipped out her phone before downloading the app and making herself an account.
"There my name is Kris with a k." She explained.
I rolled my eyes.
How creative Chris...
He took her phone and followed himself. Suddenly Chris looked over at me and i glared at her in annoyance.
"You guys are cute and all but do have any idea what fucking time it is! Its a god damned Monday and some of us are trying to sleep." I yelled.
She blushed darkly and so did the boy sitting next to her.
Letting out a huff I laid back down and threw my pillow over my face before closing my eyes and trying to fall back asleep.
"WE WILL NEVER SLEEP BECAUSE SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!!" Chris screamed at the top if her lungs before I felt her jump on top if me causing me to lose my breath as she knocked the wind out if me.
"What the hell get off of me." I whined throwing the pillow off my face and hitting her with it.
We were struggling when suddenly her friend jumped on top of us.
I screamed startled and let out a quiet groan as they crushed my ribs.
"Tayler! Get off of me you hippo." Chris yelled laughing.
"I'm not a hippo." The boy who I now knew name was Tayler pouted.
"Could have fooled me." I yelled from beneath the two if them as they bickered childishly.
Tayler stood up after that.
"Can I have some water." He asked.
"Up in the left cupboard there's cups." Chris stated sitting up on the bed.
Carefully sitting up I kicked Chris angrily and I held my bruised ribs.
Tayler walked up and grabbed a cup and filled it with water. He then walked back over and started to drink it.
Suddenly he spit the water on Chris but also hitting me.
"Ewwy gross now I really need to shower" I exclaimed jumping up from the bed.
He laughed and spit more at us.
"Gah! No! Fuck this shit I'm OUT!!' I screamed before rushing into the bathroom with the suitcase full if clothes and makeup.
I quickly closed the bathroom door behind myself and locked it.
I heard them screaming and laughing and couldn't help but laugh a little myself.
"God our place is gonna be trashed" I laughed shaking my head.
I turned the water on before stripping out of my pajamas and getting in.
I cleaned up my body, washed my hair, and waved my legs.
As I finished shaving my legs I couldn't help but just stare down at the razor.
Sitting in the edge of the tub I gently placed the cold blade on my wrist but for some reason I couldn't do it. For the first time in my entire life I just couldn't do it, because... Every time I thought about it he would pop in my head.
Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door and I jumped accidentally sliding the blade across my wrist a little bit.
I gasped and quickly dropped the razor as blood began pouring out.
"Uh.. Um just a minute!!" I yelled before quickly scrambling to find a towel.
Quickly cleaning the cut I shoved a big bandaid on before changing in to a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a black tank top with a gray hoodie .