"Wha- hey! Give it back!!" Gabe exclaimed quickly following after me.
Laughing I quickly climbed up one of the ladders into a red tunnel.
I was about to turn when suddenly my head clashed with a plastic window.
"Shit! Ow ow ow! You motherfucking window!" I cursed bending down gripping my head tightly.
I heard Gabe laugh and looked over to see him coming.
Quickly throwing his white beanie over my now bruised head I quickly turned the other way and down the slide.
I quickly ran up the rolling logs tripping slightly.
"Get back here! I'm gonna get you Mel!!" He screamed running on to the logs only to fall face first.
I instantly burst in to a fit of laughter and used the time to get ahead of him as I hurried up to the top.
"You'll never catch me alive!" I screamed childishly as his loud footsteps got closer.
Finally reaching the top I glanced down only to immediately panic.
"Ah! Whoa shit! That's super high!" I squealed jumping back as butterflies erupted on my stomach.
Suddenly I was grabbed from behind and spun around.
Screaming in surprise I squirmed slightly before I was set down on my feet and Gabe stole his beanie back.
I pouted and stepped back slightly only for my feet to slip out from under me.
Gabe's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed my upper arm and steadied me.
"Geez your clumsy",Gabe laughed.
Pouting I glared at him playfully.
"Am not!"
"Are too! He smirked.
"Am not"
"Are too"
"No" he smirked.
"Yes...wait what!" I exclaimed.
"Hah! Got ya!" He laughed.
Pouting I sat down criss cross on the large jungle gym.
"Hey, you should take a picture with me!" Gabe exclaimed suddenly as he sat beside me.
"Hm? Oh sure!"
Leaning on his shoulder he did a silly duck face and I winked at the camera.
He took the picture and smiled brightly.
"I'm snap chatting, instagraming, and twittering this shit!!" He exclaimed.
I laughed and shook my head.
"So what do you wanna do now?" I asked him curiously turning to him.
He laughed and shrugged.
"Not sure wanna play truth or dare?" He asked.
"Sure I'll go first. Truth or dare?"
"I'm not a pussy! So I choose dare!" He yelled.
I laughed and began to think of a dare.
"I dare you to...post a tweet about you undying love for Diego" I smirked.
"Psh that's easy" he scoffed pulling out his phone.
Looking over his shoulder I watched as he typed the tweet.
I'm sorry guys but I can't keep holding this in anymore. The truth is I'm helplessly in love with Diego ,. I just wanna kiss him all the time!! And way looks at me just sends shivers down my spine!
Laughing I covered my mouth and watched as he posted it.
He put his phone back in his pocket and turned to me.
"Now it's your turn! Truth or dare!!"
"Unlike you I am a pussy so I choose truth"
"Ah cmon! Fine....have you ever....had sex?" He smirked looking at me.
My eyes widened and I turned dark cherry red.
"Wha? What the hell kind of question is that?" I stuttered flustered.
"Hey! Don't change the subject, you chose truth now answer the question!" He scolded pointing a finger at me.
Sighing I rolled my eyes slightly with a pout covering my face.
"No, I've never had sex. I am indeed a 17 year old virgin" I laughed embarrassed.
He chuckled and shook his head.
"Alright truth or da-" I was cut off as suddenly the lights went out and we were surrounded by pure darkness.
Yelping in surprise I looked around and saw the only lights were the far away street lamps outside and Gabe's phone.
"Whoa what the hell happened to the light!" Gabe exclaimed.
Reaching out through the darkness I wrapped my hands around his arm clenching my eyes shut
"Huh?? Hey are you okay?" He asked startled.
"Not a fan of the dark" I whimpered
"Oh here" he turned his flashlight on and pointed it at me, temporarily blinding me.
"Shit that's bright" Gabe winced pulling back.
I couldn't help but let a giggle escape and shake my head.
Looking down at the time on his phone my eyes widened.
"Oh shit is that the time?!" I panicked
He glanced at me confused.
"Hm, yeah? Its 11 why?"
"I've been gone all day and I didn't even tell Chris where I was going!" I exclaimed.
"Here cmon let's get you back then' he carefully climbed down the ladder.
Shakily standing I panicked as I couldn't see the bottom.
Gabe grabbed my hand and carefully helped me down the ladder.