Suddenly my YouTube theme music came on and I ran out on stage.
"Sup bishes and fishes its a me Mario. Just kidding its a me Melanie bears!" I laughed walking out on stage.
Instantly everyone screamed.
Glancing at the front VIP corner I saw Diego, Andrew, Alan, Gabe, and Triston.
Blushing slightly I smiled and continued.
"Alright alright alright I know I'm cool I know. Haha not really but anyways today I'm gonna start off with a few songs, them imma have ma dance crew come up and we gonna have party and then if there's time I'll do a q and A! That sound good to you guys!!?"
The crowd screamed loudly and I laughed.
"Good cause I was gonna do it either way! So let's start!"
As soon as I finished the room went silent and everyone gawked at me.
My eyes widened and I began to panic.
"S-sorry. I didn't think it was that bad!"
As soon as the words escaped my mouth the crowd erupted with cheer, claps, whistles, and even crying.
Holding back tears I smiled happily.
"Thank you so much! I can't believe I actually got to perform for you guys. I've always wanted to make people happy through music and seeing this makes almost wanna cry", I laughed slightly grinning at the crowd as my eyes got glossy."Alright back to schedule its seems it dance time so for the first time in Vidcon history I announce.... Cue the drumroll... Keyquad 2x!"
I announced as the other girls hopped in stage.
Quickly taking my shirt off, leaving me in the same sports bra as them with my scars already covered my heavy foundation. I slipped on the red jacket and we positioned ourselves at the left entrance and waited for the music to begin.
(She's the one with dark red hair a.k.a Tamara)
the music stopped and I hugged the happily.
"Thanks so much for coming all the way out here!" I smiled hugging KK.
She laughed.
"Anything for one of us" she grinned.
They stayed and we messed around for a bit until they left stage.
"Alright, who's ready for that Q and A?" I turned back to the crowd
The screamed in response and I laughed.
Pulling a stool up to the center on the stage I began.
My eyes searched the crowd as I saw all of them with their hands up
"You, Uhm the one with super beast blue hair and sequin top" I smiled.
"How many boyfriends have you had, and do you have one currently?"
"Aye that's two questions, your lucky I like you, haha. Anyways I have only had one boyfriend in highschool but we broke up when I moved away and I am currently as single as a Pringle" I smiled.
Calling on the next person they asked their question.
"What's your favorite TV show?"
Smirking slightly I laughed.
"Easy. American horror story" I shrugged before pointing to Diego who had his hands up.
"Can you do a solo dance?"
Everyone cheered in agreement and I sent him a playful glare.
"Sorry but I'm not sure we've got time. We'd have to stop the q and a-".
Sighing softly I nodded.
"Alright alright"
Standing I handed the stage manger my stool and told him the remix to play.
Heading back to center stage I smirked slightly.
"Here we go!"