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"Shut up you loser!"
Throwing his hands up in surrender and chuckled.
"Alright alright, it was a nice picture though" he smirked before running off.
"Aye get your ass back here Madi!" I exclaimed running after him.
I was about to chase him out of the room when Gabe caught my wrist and spun me around for another kiss.
Yelping in surprise I blushed and kissed him back but this time a little bit more heatedly.
Eventually we pulled away and I rolled my eyes at him.
"Now was that necessary?" I giggled shaking my head.
He nodded smiling slightly.
"Of course it was!!"

Suddenly there was a loud noise and voices erupted the hall.
Quickly running to Chris's room we saw her being rolled out of the room hurriedly by hospital workers.
She was struggling slightly but the anesthesia in the mask they put around her mouth soon knocked her out.
Watching in horror I couldn't help but feel a bit dizzy at how fast and panicked everyone was running around the small crowded white hospital room.
"What's happening where are they taking here?! I thought her surgery wasn't until tomorrow morning?!" I exclaimed.
"She went in to shock they're trying to stable her but they're moving the surgery bow cause they don't think she can be stable without it" Tayler explained tears slowly running down his face.
"O-oh my god! N-no!" I whimpered shaking head.
Pushing past people I ran towards the surgery room.
Quickly grabbing the handle I tried desperately to open the door but its was shut tightly and locked.
Screaming out angrily I began beating on the door.
"Stop! Don't she's gonna die!" I screamed my face full of wet salty tears.
"Mel! Hey Mel! Hey hey everything's gonna be okay " Gabriel and exclaimed grabbing my life waist and turning me around so my face was buried in his chest.
Letting out a loud sob I grabbed the fabric of his hoodie tightly.
"I never even got to say goodbye!" I sobbed.
"Hey, she's not dead yet, don't think like that!" Gabe scolded, testing his head on top of my own.
I just cried harder.
Gabe carefully picked me up bridle style and led me to the waiting room where Tayler already was.
Gabe sat down and I laid across the couch, my head on Gabe's lap.
Still crying I began wiping my eyes with my sleeves, smearing makeup everywhere.
Glancing over at Tayler I saw he had sat and put his head in hands and was crying.
Gabe reached over and patted and rubbed his back.
"Hey it's gonna be okay man." Gabe smile reassuringly at him but he didn't even look up and I kept crying until he had to look to see if we were still there.
Looking away from him I hid my face in Gabe's chest trying not to make him think I lost all hope. Even though I had.
Eventually i heard a nurse come over and looked up.
"Um are you Melanie Carmichael." The nurse asked me.
"Y-yes do you have news about my friend." I asked, instantly sitting up.
"Um no sorry we were wondering if you know if christen Jennings has any legal guardian alive we must call them." The nurse asked.
Frowning slightly I began thinking.
"Well her moms dead and Sarah's well dead." I muttered a few more tears rolling of my pale skin on to my hoodie.
"What about her dad." The nurse asked.
My eyes widened and I began to panic.
"Yeah but please don't tell him she's here and call him they don't have a good relationship." I begged.
"I'm sorry miss Carmichael but we have to its policy." The nurse said going back to her computer.
Putting my face in my hands I stared down at the ground as thoughts ran through my head and my heart began to race wildly.
"Well if Chris isn't dead now she will be soon." I cried a bit.
"What?" Tayler looked at me in confusion.
"Their calling her abusive dad that made her life a living hell and she ran away from him and he never looked for her. I'm sure he just figured she was better off dead he blamed her for her moms death he's not gonna see her and forget everything and become that happy loving dad." I explained more years spilling out of my eyes.
"Babe" Gabe muttered reaching over and pulling me in to a super tight hug.
We sat for about an hour and a half. Then doors slammed open. The smell of alcohol filled the air polluting it.
"Were the fuck is my little bitch of a daughter." A male voice yelled.
My eyes widened as I instantly remembered the raspy voice and alcoholic smell.
Suddenly Chris's father came in to view.
He had a large beer stomach and long hair that's was a dyed brown with a beer in hand.
"Hey you, your the whore my daughter hangs out with" He turned to me.
Wincing I looked at him fearfully.
Gabe tensed and sent a harsh glare in his direction.
"Have you seen a little bitch about this tell probably looks like a skank she's kinda stupid. Sadly she's my daughter and I'm looking for her." He asked me with a smile as he laughed a bit.
Instantly breaking down I turned back in to Gabriel who wrapped his arms around me protectively .
Suddenly Tayler stood up from his chair and looked straight at the old wrinkly man that smelled of different alcohol drinks and had ripped up dirty clothes.
"Don't fucken talk about her like that you dick." He yelled angrily, his face becoming a bright red.
"Mind your own business boy." The man turned to him
"She is my business." Tayler snapped back.
My eyes widened as did Gabe's as Tayler stood up to the man.
"Tayler, don-"
"Who is she to you." He asked angrily yelling.
"She's my girlfriend." Taylee exclaimed back angrily.
"Oh great, what is she paying you? Sit down boy your nothing to her. She's a little slut and just cause she's screwing you doesn't mean your anything to her. I'm surprised she can even have enough money to pay a boy like you off." He laughed turning back to me like he had won the argument.
Her dad then came stomping towards me.
Shrinking back in fear I watches as he marched up to me.
Suddenly he reached down and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and roughly yanked me up from my seat.
"Hey! Put her down you asshole!" Gabe hissed standing up.
"Where the fuck is my daughter you skank!" He growled his rotten alcoholic breath blowing in my face.
Suddenly Tayler pushed him off of me and grabbed him by the collar of his own shirt and shoved him against the wall.
Dropping down on the ground harshly I quickly sat up.
"Are you okay?!" Gabe exclaimed quickly crouching down beside me.
"Y-yeah I'm fine-"
Suddenly I was cut off as there was a loud noise and we both looked over to see that Tayler punched Chris's dad square in the face.
"And you call yourself a man." Tayler laughed angrily.
"If you really have to be here sit down shut your fucking opinion filled mouth and learn how to be a real man instead of a fucking ass wipe who picks on girls! and if I hear you ever fucking lay a fucking finger on Chris your daughter or Mel, or anyone ever again. I will fucking kill you! you peice of shit excuse for a father." Tayler screamed letting him go.
Her dad quickly walked to the bathroom to clean the blood running from his nose. Tayler sat down and we just sat in silence.
We sat for hours on end.
"Hey how about we go get something to eat?" Gabe mumbled as I laid my head in his shoulder.
My eyes widened slightly and I shook my head.
"No I'm fine" I lied still staring at the surgery doors down the hallway.
"When was the last time you ate?" Gabe asked staring down at me with a knowing look.
"I don't know.." I lied.
Gabe sent me a scolding glare.
"When?" He questioned sternly.
"The morning of vidcon" I muttered.
Suddenly he stood up and threw me over his shoulder.
"G-Gabe!" I yelped.
He just ignored me and headed down to the cafeteria.

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