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It was silent at the dinner table. It was sort if an awkward silence, but that's ok. I have to go threw almost every day.

I say almost because sometimes during lunch, when I don't get to the roof in time, the bullies find me and beat the crap out of me. I don't fight because I know that they have problems and I let them take there pain off me. But before the do, I always ask them if they want to talk it out instead. Unfortunately they choose physical why.

"--/n. Y/n. Y/N!!" I shake my head clearing my thoughts away when I heard my name. I look up and see Levi staring at me. Was he calling me?

"Y-yes," I asked/stuttered.

"You were in your own fucking world and you weren't answering my question," he told me.

I paused before answering. "Oh. Sorry. I tend to space out a lot."

"Tch. I noticed," he said annoyed. It was quiet fir a minute or two until o broke it.

"What was your question by the way."

"I thought you were spacing of again," he replied coldly.

"Just answer the damn question idiot," I replied just as cold.

"Tch. I asked what school you go to."

"I'm a freshmen at Survey Corps High School. What about you?"

"I'm a sophomore at Survey Corps High School as well." So we go to the he same school.

"How come I don't see you during passing period or lunch?" Because I'm either getting my ass kicked or hiding for my life. And as for lunch, I again either get my ass kick or eat at lunch. But I can't say that. I don't trust him enough for him to hear what I go through everyday.

"I just move fast in the hallways so I get to my next classes early. As for lunch... I eat in the library or in class," I lied.

"Why don't you eat with your  friends," he asked.

"They're busy doing there own things," I lied again.

"What are they doing that makes them so busy that they can't eat with you," he asked. This guy is just so full of questions isn't he.

"They never told me."

"Then why the hell are you still friends with them," he asked angrily. Why is he getting so rilled up? It's none of his business.

"I... I don't know," I said looking down. It was silent again. I stood up and started cleaning up.

I took his plate and when I did, he said, "Just leave it in the sink. I'll wash today." I nodded and did what he asked. As soon as I did I wash my hands and dried them, I walked to my room and stared to do a little typing

-Time skip-

It was past 10:30 when I heard the door bell ring. Who could it fucking be at this time of day! I was going to answer it, but I heard Levi get it.

"OH SO IT IS TRUE! SHORTY DID GET A NEW HOUSE," I heard a women shout.

"What happened to the old one?" came another voice. Male

"It's really nice." And another. Female.

"How'd you get all this done in one day?" And another. Male.

"Aren't these houses made for roommates?" And another. Male.

"Who's your roommate? Girl or boy?" And another. Female.

Don't Let Me Go (Levi X Reader) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now