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This one is pretty... long and be prepared for some sad and fluff at the end.

Leave nice comments please

"Alright every one! We are here!" Hanji announced.

When we exited the airport doors we were engulfed with the sights of the Caribbean.

Back at the office~

"I would like to go to the Caribbean."

"Ooo! Lovely choice. Alright miss. You will be going to this hotel. There are 10 rooms, so 2 people in each. Also please pick up your tickets at this location and also on this paper it says how long you are staying. Oh and your flight is in 2 days so please start packing when you get home. Everyone will also be dismissed from school throughout the entire time you guys are out."

2 days?! Another short notice.

I nodded and took the piece of paper that has the address. I did a small bow and walked out of the office and was greeted with everyone.

"So Y/n....
whereareweofftowhendoweleaveandhow longarewestaying?!?!" Hanji yell loud and fast. (Where are we off to, when do we leave and how long are we staying)

"Tch slow the hell down Shitty-glasses," Levis said in annoyance. All she did was shrugged and waited for my answer.

"Okay, so we are going to the Caribbean's. We will be staying for...," I looked down at the paper then continued, "2 weeks. And we are leaving in 2 days."

"2 days?! That's such a late notice!" Eren exclaimed.

"Yeah I know. She also told me that for the next 2 weeks that we are gone, we are excused from school."

Everyone then celebrated.

"So what are we waiting for!? Let's get packing!" Connie yelled. We all nodded and ran for our life's.

We all rushed out of school running our separate ways. At some point I decided to just walk and catch my breath. Also since I didn't stretch, I started to cramp up in some places.

"I thought you would last longer when it comes to running," I heard Levi said from behind me. I turned around and saw that he was just coming into a stop.

"Well I thought that you would keep up since you are SO athletic," I retorted playfully.

He made his usual 'tch' before wrapping his arms around my waist, basically back hugging me.

"We just ran so I stink," I told him.

"And you think I care?"


"Tch. Usually I would, but since I love the way you smell, it's perfectly fine."

I blushed at his words. I guess he noticed that my ears were probably red because he lightly chuckled.

As we walked down our street, we stayed in that position and although I'm sorta against the fact that he is hugging my sweaty body, I actually like this.

Don't Let Me Go (Levi X Reader) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now