Camping trip (part 4)

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And...and... and... DONE!!!

I'm finally freaking done!!! So let's see... I started at 12 am and what time did I finish? 11 PM! It took me the entire day to finish a god damn painting of 3 fucking people! How frustrating! I need some tea. Not to mention that I skipped lunch and dinner. Also everyone is asleep by now, so great.

I finally exit the room and was greeted by a dark hall way. Dammit. I grab my phone and turn on the flashlight. I start to walk down the dark hall until I started to hear foot steps behind me. I guessed it was one of the others, so I just ignored it.

--Small time skip--

After walk through the damn hall ways, I finally found the kitchen. And the sound of foot steps stopped as I entered the kitchen and I heard the person take a seat outside at the dinner table.

I grab a pot and two tea cups and plates. While I search for some tea, I come across a picture that was hung on the refrigerator. It was of everyone in that is in this cabin. They must have known each other for a long time. I stare for a bit more, but then decided to continue the search for tea.

After awhile I finally found (f/t) (Favorite tea) and started to make it. I put the tea cups on the plates and brought it out to the dinning table. When I waked out the kitchen I found Levi sitting there with his arms crossed and was staring at the table.

"I hope you like (f/t)," I said, which caused him to break his train of thought. I placed the cup down in front of him and took a sit next to him. His only response was a nod.

We sat in the room in silence and all that was heard was sipping of tea and clinking of cups meeting with plate. This went on until he decided to speak.

"What the hell were you doing in that room," he said.

"Nothing important," I told him.

"Spending the entire day in that room, is something important not to mention that you locked the door and the only person you let in was Hanji."

"You'll see later."

"What do you mean later?"

"Merry Christmas Levi and Happy Birthday," I said with a smile. Yes it's 12 o'clock.

"How did you know it was my birthday?"

"Hanji told me on the car ride."

"I never heard you guys talk about it."

"Well she did and let's just stick with that."

"Tch. What ever."

"By the way, why are you up."

"Couldn't sleep. You?"

"I just finished the project I was working on."


"Well I'm tired, and I really need to rest. I'll take your cup if you're done."

"I'll take it. You just go to sleep."

"Alright. See you later."

--Time skip--


Every one was either saying happy birthday to Levi or saying Merry Christmas. Honestly I haven't celebrated Christmas or a birthday in a while. This is actually the first I actually took Christmas seriously.

"Let's open up gifts,"Connie shouted. Everyone surrounded the Christmas tree and everyone started to gather there gifts and opened them. Everyone loved the gifts they had received, until they opened up the gifts I bought them.

"WA-OH! POCKY'S! IN ALL THE FLAVORS TOO! YOU'RE AWESOME Y/N," Sasha yelled from across the room.

"I've been waiting for his book to come out at the book store. Thank you Y/n," Armin said.

"I've been looking for a shirt like this Y/n. Thank you," Mikasa said.

"Are these season passes to (any sport team) games. How did you even know I liked this team," Eren said holding up 5 season passes.

"Yeah. I asked Levi. I could't really find anything else that I could have bought for that team. Plus they were on sale," I replied

"THANK YOU Y/N," Eren literally jumped on me to give me a hug.

"Woah. This thing is heavy, Y/n. You didn't have to get me something this bi-," but when he open the box he froze in his spot.

"What did you give him," Eren asked.

"Yeah Jean what did you get," I said in a mocking voice. He pulled out he book I gave him. As soon as everyone saw the book, they broke down in laughter and me and Levi let out a small chuckle.

Everyone had opened all there gifts and they loved them all. I only got gifts from Hanji and Levi, but that's okay. Something is way better than nothing. We all thanked the people we had received gifts from, then they told Levi to open up his birthday gift.

"Um... before we open your gifts Levi, can I talk to you in private," Petra asked. Levi simply nodded, then stood up and walked out the door with Petra by his side. And as soon as they left, Hanji ran up to me and dragged me out the same door Levi and Petra walked out.

"Hanji what are you doing," I yelled at her.

"I need to show you my evidence of mythical things ," she replied. She continued to drag me through the hall way then stopped at a near by window. She then started to slid it open.

"What are you doing Hanji? You said you would show me the evidence you found of mythical things. Why are you going through the window," I asked her.

"I obviously said that to make the others think that. We are actually going to spy on Levi and Petra."

"Wait... WHAT!!! They want to talk in private. We can't disturb them."

"And we won't. All we are doing is spying. Plus aren't you a bit curious on what there conversation?"

I have to admit, I am a bit curious. I hesitated, but I slowly nodded my head. Karma is going to bite me in the ass later.

"Great now lets hurry before we lose them," she said before climbing out the window.

-- Small time skip--

After walking from what seemed like forever, we were finally able to find them. Hanji told me to climb up a tree that we close by from them. I started to climb the tree and Hanji soon followed suit. I stopped at a branch that was high enough to see them, yet was close enough to hear them. Hanji stopped at a branch that was below me. We were well hidden with the leafs that covered our bodies. After getting settled in, we started to tune in their conversation.

"Why won't you accept my love for you," we heard Petra exclaim. So she finally told him, huh?

"I already told you the first time you confessed your undying love for me," Levi responded with an irritated tone. Wait... she's confessed before!? So why won't she accept the fact that he doesn't like her!?

"Well that can't be the only reason you accept."

"Petra. I will only say this one more time. I am not interested in relationships. It will only distract me."

"Then what about Y/n? She told me that she liked you as well. What will you say to her if she confesses? Will you accept that!?"

"Petra enough! Don't bring up anyone else if you are going to confess to someone. And if she does confess, then I will tell her the same thing I told you."

What does my chest hurt why do I feel so sad and hurt when he said those words? Why do I feel weird every time I see Petra next to Levi? Me and Hanji watch Levi walk back to the cabin and after awhile Petra followed.

1291 words.


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