Nervous for the first time

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(Listen to this first before reading please)

Day of the talent show. I decided to skip to this because I feel like I'm going no where. Guys! Tell me what you think. Should I discontinue or nah?! Anyway please enjoy. Don't forget to vote. Also I am terrible sorry for this crappy chapter.

I'm going to be completely honest. For the first time in a long, LONG time, I'm so freaking nervous.

I'm actually going to perform in front of an entire school that hates my guts. Like I said before I never, and I mean NEVER performed for an audience. And I have reason for that. It's all the 'What ifs...'
For example: What if I screw up? What if I completely for get the notes? What if they hate the song?

Anxiety started to take over me. I curled up into a ball in the chair that I am sitting on. My heart was beating uncontrollably. My lungs we tightening. Tears were threatening to come out. I tried to calm myself, but I can't seem to just calm down.

I then heard a chair being pulled in front of me. I look up and see Levi. He looked at me with a straight face, but in his eyes showed concern.

"You don't have to do this you know. You could tell the judges not to call you up," he told me.

"No I'm okay, I... I'm just nervous. Remember when I told you I never performed in front of an audience?"

"I remember. But if it makes you feel better this is my first time as well."

I looked up at him. "Well I'm sure it is. You don't seem like you would do this kind of stuff."

"I don't."

"So why are you doing it?"

"Because of you."

I was shocked. What did this have to do with me?

"What do you mean because of me?"

He rubbed the back of his neck while looking down. He was embarrassed. But what for?

"Well it's not just my first time. It's actually all of ours. We only did this because we knew that you it was your first time, so we wanted to join you. Almost all of the competitors have experience and we didn't want you to doubt your skills because of that."

When he ended, everyone came up behind him. They were smiling.

"So all of you did this for me? You'd go out there with no experience and maybe embarrass yourself just for me?"

"Well yeah. Although we have known you for that long, you are now apart of our family."

A smile had crept onto my face. I got up from my seat and just ran to hug Levi. I didn't really expect him to return the hug, but he did it anyway. Seconds later, Hanji came and hugged us, then the next thing you know is that everyone is in a group hug. The people around us. Were staring and whispering to each other, but we didn't care.

"Our next contestant for this evening is a young lady who as created this song herself. Please give it up for Y/n L/n!"

We separated from our hug and I quickly gathered my music notes.


I looked back at who ever called my name. Everyone was looking at me.

"Good luck," they all said that the same time. I nodded then smiled.

I made my way to the stage. Not a lot of people clapped when I got on stage, but I pushed the feeling of nervousness away and continued to make my way to the piano that was set for me. I almost cut my palms with my nails. I was trying really hard not to have a panic attack. 

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