It's Complicated

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Lily's POV

I woke up and I could already hear voices out side Zayn's room. We must have slept in, we did stay up pretty late. Just remembering yesterday brought a smile to my face. I missed Zayn a lot and it was awesome hanging out with him. I got up and decided not to wake him up, after all he was a heavy sleeper and he doesn't like to be bothered when he's asleep. I walked out Zayn's room and went to the kitchen. Everyone was having breakfast. Some were eating eggs, others gilled cheese, and some just cereal.

"Good morning everyone." I said with a smile on my face.

"Hey Lily, are you going to stay for breakfast?" Liam asked me.

"Actually I told Josh I'd be home first thing this morning. So I can't but thanks for the invitation." I was getting ready to open the door but Liam stopped me.

"Wait, you dont have a way to get home. I'll give you a ride." Liam got up and started looking for his car keys.

"Liam it's fine I can walk." I insisted.

"Well some things never change, you are still as stubborn as you were when we left. Here they are." Liam took the keys out the pocket of a jumper he had left on the sofa.

"Come on let's go." He started walking me to the door.

"Fine. Caroline tell Zayn I'll call him later." That was the last thing I said before I left their house. Liam and I got in the car and like always he reminded me to put on my seat belt.

"Yes Liam I know." I said. He tells me this every time he drives me anywhere.

"Lily I actually wanted to talk to you about something." Liam said in a semi worried tone.

"Sure what's this about?" Liam and I don't usually have these kinds of conversations so this caught me a bit off guard.

"Um well its about Harry." As soon add he said that i think I rolled my eyes or did some kind of facial expression because i continued to give me a really long speech.

"Lily I know right now you and him aren't in good terms. But I want you to try to see things through his perspective. He came back excited to see you only to find out your happy with someone else. He'll have to see you loving someone else for a really long time until he's over you. He might not admit it but he's just hurt . He pushes you away because he doesn't want to hurt any more. The most painful thing in this world is to watch someone you love, love someone else. It's painful for him, please just understand him or at least try to." Liam said. He was talking and driving but never took his eyes off the road.

"Listen Liam I want to try to see things from his perspective and believe me I have tried. But as much as i try I can't see how he can't just be happy for me? I can't see how he would want to push me out of his life. Yes, I get it, it hurts him to see me with someone else, because if this was happening to me a year ago I would be devastated. But I wouldn't push him out my life, because he means so much to me i would want him with me even as just a friend. I've tried to talk to him and be friends so he can stay in my life. He didn't want that so there's nothing else I can do. But if one day he changed his mind I'll be waiting." I noticed we were already at my place so I started to open the door and get out.

"Lily wait, so you're telling me you really don't feel anything towards Harry anymore?" Liam asked me.

"Its a lot more complicated then that. Well thanks for the ride I'll see you later bye." I got off his car and walked into my home.

"Babe!" Josh exclaimed. He was making pancakes. I walked over to him and have him a kiss.

"So how was your day yesterday?" He asked me.

"It was actually really fun, we all watched a much together but everyone fell asleep. So Zayn and I went to the store and bought food." I told him all about my day and he just listened.

"Have you eaten anything yet?" He asked, but he already knew the answer because he had already served my plate.

"Nope, I was kinda hoping you made pancakes today." I sat on a chair and he put the plate in front of me on the table.

"Here you go, eat up." Prettys soon he sat next to me and we both ate. It was nice and silent. Once we both finished I started to clean up. I picked up out dishes and washed them.

"Well i don't work today so what do you want to do?" He said.

"Wait you don't work today?" I was kinda shocked he always works and rarely gets days off.

"Nope, unless they randomly call me from the hospital. But other wise I'm all yours." He smiled.

"Lets go to the park." I got up from my chair and ran to our bed room. Josh looked confuse and ran after me.

"Why did you run over here." Josh asked me.

"Well i have to shower and get ready."

I got in the bath room and took a quick shower because I knew Josh was waiting and I dont like making him wait. I was finally done and wrapped myself in my big fluffy robe. I stepped out and saw a bunch of my clothes laying on my bed. I looked around and Josh was no longer there. He was probably in the living room waiting. It was really sweet of him to take out all my favorite clothes. But I decided to put one something I've never really tried before. I put on a really light pink button up blouse with no sleeves, then I put on a a black skirt. I took out my black flats and put those on as well. As for my hair I put it up in a messy bun. As soon as I was ready I walked down stairs. When Josh saw me he could stop staring. Which is very flattering but also creepy.

"Wow, you look beautiful." He walked up to me and hugged me.

"You look great too, let's go." We left the house and got in the car. The entire car ride Josh never let my hand go. I love him so much.

After a few minutes we were at the park. We started to walk around together, his fingers were intertwined with mine and everything was prefect.

"Josh, is that you." I turned around and I saw I girl with blond hair, blue eyes and well she was gorgeous calling josh.

"Jasmine?" Josh said. He let go I my hand and walked over to her. He gave her a hug and they started to talk. I just stood there. Not knowing what I was supposed to do.

"Its been so long?" The girl said still giving him.

"We should really catch up." Josh told her.

"Well i heard there's a really great place to get coffee a few blocks from here. Come on let's go." She didn't even let Josh answer. But before I knew it some girl was dragging my boyfriend away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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