The past year

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Harry's POV

We are on a plane right now, the tour is finally over and we're going home I'm so happy. We would have been home earlier but we had an album to record.

"Haaaaarrrrrry." I heard Louis whisper into my ear while I was looking out the window of the plane.

"Huh?" I said turning to face him.

"What chu thinking about?" He asked wiggling his eye brows causing me to chuckle.


"Lier!" He yelled making me flinch.

"You were thinking about home." He said in a really calm voice.

"I was thinking about Caroline." Niall said with a dorky smile on his face. (They kept a long distance relation ship and so did Susan and Louis)

"Of course you were Horan thats all u think about." Zayn said in a teasing voice.

"Nuh huh I think about food too." Niall said sounding childish.

"Shut up all of you my head hurts." Liam yelled grabing his head in pain. He went out to party the night before we left.

"Yeah I agree ." I said because I knew where this conversation was going and I really didnt want it to coninue.

" Fine ." Louis said fake pouting. Then there was finally silence and it was kind of nice since the boys were always loud.


We're about to land and the boys are sleeping. I want to wake them up but its so peaceful and I dont want it to end. But oh well I guess I have to wake them up.

Lily's POV

Todays the day I have been hearing about for a month. Susan and Caroline have been talking about this non stop and... im sick of it. Im happy for them I really am but if the boys come so does Harry and with Harry coming back so do all the emotions. I dont want to go through that again. I moved on and I dont want harry coming back and making me feel what i once felt for him again.... I dont want to fall.

"Lily, Harry up." Susan yelled barging in my room.

"Harry?" I said confused.

"No not Harry I said Hurry. I think your mind is playing tricks on you." Susan said.

"Pfff nooo of course you said hurry. I mean why would you say Harry." I scoffed.

"Sure" susan said sarcasticly of course. And ran down stairs.

I got my coat and headed down stairs. Where the girls would be waiting for me. I saw them and they both scold me.

"We have to go the boys will be landing any minute." Caroline said getting the keys and heading out. Me and Susan followed. The car rided was so boring all I heard was "Omg I'm finally going to see Nialler I missed him so much." Or "I cant wait to see Louis again" ugh it was really annoying. But we were finally at the airport. We got there right when the boys landed so we waited a few minutes for them to get there.

"There they are!" Susan yelled as she ran towards Louis.

"Niall!" Caroline yelled.

"Princess!" Niall dropped his lugage and lifted caroline off her feet.

I stood there and watched because I really couldnt do anything at that moment. Zayn and Liam walked right past me and ignored me, what did I do to them? I'll figure it out later. Then i sqw Harry, he just stood there motionless when he saw me. Wow he changed.... a lot.

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