Chapter One

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Dad! please!" I scream in fright.

" No!" He screams back viscously, " all you've ever brought to this family is misery!"

A short glance after craning my neck behind me tells me my mum is sobbing profoundly into the shoulder of my year younger brother. Aiden. He has a  clear look of despair and helplessness written on his face.

  How could he do this to me? The traitor! We've always been so close till the recent months, in which he has grown distant. And now, now he just watches me hang like a fish above water on a hook, my ankles numb, from the rope cutting into them.

" Look what you did! Look at your mother, what we've had to go through!" Dad snarls. A loud sob comes from behind me. My Mum couldn't hold in her sobs any longer, so they carry out through the small clearing around the stream.

' what about what I've had to go through!' I want to scream back. But I know better. My dad watches Mum, a crazed look on his face, mentally preparing himself for what he is going to do.

I look up, where my hands are tied high above my head, leaving me hanging from the rope that's strangling a thick branch above the stream. I try to pull my hands apart, but my body hardly has any energy left in it after  Dad had beaten me repeatedly for an hour.

"You've brought this family shame. "My dad  whispers, for my ears only. Tears start to flow down my cheeks and into the deep cut on my jaw line stinging the wound.

" Just do it charley! Just drop her! Get it over with, I'm sick of seeing her!" My mum is now facing me, screaming at dad, letting me see the hatred in her eyes. Her short hair whips around her head and shoulders, carried by the currents of the wind.

Dad gives me a wicked smile, before  letting the rope follow me into the murky water.


I wake up with a start, tears escaping down my cheeks. Closing  my eyes shut, I curl into a ball on my sleeping bag, murmuring to myself 'it's okay, it's over.'

Just then, I hear a zip open and Russell circles her body around mine.

"Shhhh, it's okay. Was it the dream again?" She whispers, smoothing back my hair.

I nod meekly. It's always the dream. The same one every night.

The man in the dream is my dad, a pack leader. And becuase he's a pack leader, their oldest child must become either lunar or alpha in the future. Some packs make their first sons the leader, but our packs tradition is the first child of the Alpha and Lunar. Unfortunately that so happened to be me. I would one day be the Lunar, once I found  my mate who would then become the Alpha.

Some how, when you mix me, another child, my dad's fist into a bowl and bake it in disappointment, it creates a hatred so strong that my own parents despise me. One thing led to another and I was soon hanging, my hands with feet tied, from a tree. To weak to fight back.

" Come on. I found a large, clear pond with some shallow sides." Russell  gives me a light shove out the tent and shows me the way.

Russell and I  are werewolf rogues.  We wonder around, trying to find Russell's dream place for us to live by ourselves. We don't want to join another pack. That just means more chaos for us, and for who ever would have to put up with us.

We walk further into the woods, straying from our little camp.  Russell sleeps in wolf form at night, but I sleep in a tent. My body, acting like a humans because my wolf hasn't   made an appearance, still needs the warmth of some form of house or insulator.

We come to the pond, where I strip off my dirty clothes and sit waist deep in the shallow side of the pond. Because of dad letting me drop  into the stream 6 months ago, I developed a fear of deep water. Anything that went past my waist was considered, to me, deep water.

I silently watch in awe as Russell swims majestically in the middle of the pond, her short light blond hair being the only thing I can see when she goes under the surface.   She claims she was the daughter of a very athletic man who's main strength was swimming.

For a large  21 year old, I'm  amazed she was the best swimmer, next to her dad of course, in the pack.

My guess is that these skills were what saved me from what was to be my watery grave. She says that that night, when she saw a girl being dropped into the water, she had to wait till the laughing of the man died down and until all the people who were in the clearing had their backs turned for her to make a quick dive and getaway with me over her shoulder. Whenever the subject of that night comes up, Russell apologises for leaving me so long in the water, because when she saved me, I was unconscious and nearly blue.

I've been happy and better fed thanks to Russell. Life as a rogue is a lot better then life as an Alphas oldest child.

"Come on you sloth!" Russell's loud voice snaps me out of my daze." Get out and dry off while I wash the muck out of your clothes. Haven't had a good wash in weeks!" I grin.



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