Chapter four

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" Just do it charley! Just drop her! Get it over with, I'm sick of seeing her!"Mum screams.

My body plunges into the water.

I wake with a start, silent sobs racking my body, staring at a ceiling. Hold on, a ceiling?

The other days events came flooding through my mind. How long have I been out?

Looking around, I shiver at the sight before me. I'm in a small room. The three water and mould stained concrete walls stretching high above my head, supporting a concrete roof.  The only source of light is a single bulb hanging from wires and chain, a string dangling down also.

On the opposite side to me, metal bars run up and down, sealing me in. Getting up from the hard mattress on the stone floor, I was suddenly hit by dizziness, stars exploding behind my eyes. Leaning against the wall to stop my self from toppling over, I wait until the dizziness subsides. I must have been out for a few days becuase my body is as stiff as wood and my bruises from the day in the Forrest are going a dirty yellow colour. Placing my hand on the side of my head, I quickly hiss and pull it away. The gash on my temple has scabbed over but still hurt like crazy. I start trying to rub the crusts of blood off of the side of my head. Looking down, I realise there's  no hope in getting the red stains out of my filthy rough clothes.

" Hey, you're finally awake."

"Russell?" My voice comes out patchy. My throats dry and I'm hungry.

"Yeah girl. I'm in the cell next to yours." Russell gave a sarcastic laugh." Nice rooms aren't they." Russell's joke didn't do it. It didn't calm my raging nerves, and I can tell by her voice that it didn't calm Russell's either.

" Where's Celia?"

" They took her to her mate. Her dream guy supposedly. Her other half. Told me she's happy that the moon goddess chose him, treasures her like a queen she says."I've always hated the idea of mates. To have my feelings and my love life led and played with by the goddess, giving me an artificial romance.

Russell asks if I'm alright.

" Yeah." I reply doubtfully. Walking to the bars, I stick  my dirty arm and half of my leg through. Looks like we won't be escaping any time soon. Out side my little room, or cell as Russell called it, is a concrete hall way looking much like the room here.

" So she's been excepted. Her initiation is tomorrow."

"What?" I ask  puzzled stepping away from the bars and into the middle of the room listening for Russell's voic.

"Celia, Alpha Jason is going to officially grant her as a member of their pack. Only because she's got a mate and its obvious she's more then happy to be here, other wise she would be tortured like we probably will." Oh, she's talking about Celia.

Remembering what Russell had said when Celia found the disfigured letters on the map, I ask,"Hey Russell?"


"You said that Jason's pack was know to kill people in horrible ways or something, so why is it that we're not begging for death right now?"

"That's Alpha Jason to you missy!" A short,  round man sporting a belt jingling with keys came into view. " And the reason you're not being unmercifully slaughtered is because the Alpha is looking for a....."

" Seriously Jinks!" The man supposedly named Jinks was rudely interrupted by a much younger guy with slightly long blond hair." You'll spoil the Alphas plans! Their not supposed to know what's going on! Only the Beta and I -the future Beta - are supossed to know! Not even the Alphas son knows!" The blonde smiles brightly, some cheekiness mixed with the blue in his eyes. Jinks walks  off mumbling something about just doing his job.

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