Chapter 5

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I was right. This place does look like a mid-evil dungeon. It's got the green stains on the wall, stone everything, cob webs. It even has torches of fire strapped to the wall with iron wires. I wonder if there's a secret passage way like in books and movies.

My hand slowly stretches out to the side, I just want to try..... My hand freezes in mid air upon hearing the deep warning growl from Brad. My arms go  limp at my sides and my head hangs with a sigh. I'm bored! I'm just itching to do something! I would also like a peg for my nose. The musty smell of sweat, something dying and mould makes me want to gag.

My light feet hardly make a sound on the large stones while Brad's ones make a booming thumping noise that echoes down the corridor.  I wish Riley was here. That would at least be someone to talk to. Bradley's just a grumpy old troll.

Stepping onto some stony narrow descending stairs lit by more torches, the urge to do something gets stronger. I wait until Brad walks a little further away while I slow down.  Turning to the torch I try to snuff it out with my raggered jersey so I can hopefully pull the torch forward with out burning my self. A skill I saw on a movie my brother showed me once. Maybe I should've practised this first, becuase it didn't go well.

I did manage to smother out the small fire but while I was doing it, small flames caught a ride on the jersey with out me noticing. Dumping my jersey on the ground, I wrap my hands around the torch and am about to tug when a shout comes from behind me followed by a cracking noise.

I scream in pain when my thin starving body hits the stones, reopening the cut on my forehead. I have been pushed aside by Brad the werewolf. I cradle my arm as boiling heat and a trail of pain burns through it. Even though I feel as if I'm being attacked by needles, and there's a werewolf on the ground sinthing his hair off while rolling over the fire repeatedly, I get up to finish what I started.

Pulling hard with my good arm on the empty torch, Im stunned to find it give way. I cant believe my eyes!  I now stand at the entrance of a dark hole, the brick having been removed.

As Im contemplating whether I should go in or not, Brad the werewolf shoves me aside again, closing the dark mysterious tunnel, before giving a large loud growl. I scream back in fright until he stops.

My breath comes  out in small pants and can easily be heard. Werewolfs may have a temper that can lead on to them harming people, but I'm not one to back down. I don't run, instead,  like a chess player,  I try to calculate my opponents next move.

Brads fury paws  reach out and at first I thought he was going to hit me. I prepare for the impact but only find that Im being pulled by my good arm to stand. Bradley strides up the cobbled stairs. he does the walking and I stumble after him. His firm hold on my arm being the only thing keeping my face from hitting the floor.

When we finally make it out side the dungeon, my eyes widen in disbelief. I pause where I'm standing. The half brick, half wooden building before me stretches on for what looks like miles. The the structure of the building resembles a castle. Balconies jut out  from the orange tanned walls. Large windows advertise the variety of luxurious rooms. I'm immediately jealous that my world before being a rogue consisted mainly of a toilet, sink, bed, a shelf and a small TV. The building would put any any mansion to shame.

Surrounding the place is the un groomed ends of the wild forest, enchanting the scene. Beyond the semi modern house I can just make out some smaller houses. A small town I think. Past the village some hedges rise into the air. To get over them I would have to stand on top of my self three times. Though, I am a head shorter then most for my age. I don't like to admit it so I blame my hight on an inadequate diet as a child.

" Hey Brad, what's over those hedges?" I ask excitedly dispite the fact that I've lost so much blood recently. Not to mention I've had no food or water. Still having the nervy to talk surprises me. Brad raises and eyebrow before giving  me a shove, warning me to keep walking.

" What did you call me?" He asks ignoring my question.  I'm glad he changed, his wolf form is more intimidating then his human form.

" Huh? Oh, I called you Brad."

"DONT! Don't call me Brad! Bradley will be just fine!" He hollers. I wish I could take a picture and draw steam coming out of his ears.

" Well fine then, no need to get your nickers in a twist."

" GET IN THERE!" Screaming he points to a small stone room with a wooden door.

Closing the door I look around for an escape. The only way out would be to walk back out the toilet room door. And Brad, or Bradley as he prefers I call him, is probably just itching to drag me to his leader like a cat drags half a rabbit to its owner  to get me in trouble.

" Hey Bradley?"  I call trying not to sound as devious as I felt.

" What?" Came a grumbled reply.

"I have diarea.....I think I need some more pants."I try  not to luagh at my fake diarea plan.


"I said..."

"No! I get it! You crazy girl!" He starts grumbling. "And make sure you stay in there!" I heard a lock click into place from the outside. Bradley's foot steps trail off, silenced in the tweeting of the birds.

Pouting in the darkness and sitting on the toilet lid I wait. This was not my plan. I had hoped he would leave the door unlocked!

I pull my small pocketknife from my camo pants pocket and start rolling  it over in my hand. I glare at the old door. I hate doors. Doors are dumb. They're made to open and close and yet they rely on others to do it for them.

"Yes!" I whisper to my self. "That's it!" Using my knife I get on my knees and undo the screws holding the hinges of the door together. Some of the screws are rusty and take some extra time to open and others are so rotten and old they seem to brake with the touch of the knife. Finally freeing the door from the wall, I push it open, causing it to collapse. Sunlight streams in, refreshing the musty space. The door hangs on an angle, the latch connecting it to the wall.

Shading my eyes with my hands, I run. I was hoping to get to the Forrest  but a mix if hunger, thirst and loss of blood takes its toll and my dizziness starts to grow out of control. The world turns into a spinning top toy. I look up to clear my head, but the bright blue sky confuses me. Aren't I in a forest? Where's Russell?

My energy dissolves, becoming very small until there isn't  enough to keep me standing. My body falls, at the mercy of the glaring sun. The handle of my pocket knife slips from my fingers. Lying on the soft grass, the forrest begins to blur and black spots take the dominant role, taking over my vision entirely.  A whimper escapes my cracked lips. I'm so close. I was so close to getting out of here.



Hey there guys! I love this character! She's so cheeky and fun! Can't wait to post the next couple! Let me know what you think of her! And Brad of course! Anything you expect them to do in the future?Oh, and if anything seems out of place or I've accidentally published the same chapter twice, let me know. :)

Good old Sats! Updating every Saturday! ( days may differ if your not in NZ)

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