Day 24

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Day Twenty-Four: Write about your inspiration/idol

Well, I've got two. Since I'm a swimmer, the inner swimmer in me's role model is Michael Phelps, and not because that's the stereotypical role model for a swimmer to have. I started swimming the year he went to Beijing, and I've watched him win and win over again, and it's so thrilling to be able to say that I've stuck by him and I've never thought less of him because of what paparazzi says. He's such a strong willed person, and obviously pushes himself to the limits to achieve his goals.

At an all around stand point, my role model is my mom. Yes, shocker, it's not something stupid like a member from one direction or another celebrity. Applause because MaKenna's role model actually as sentimental value to her. Whoo!

But seriously, my mother is so strong, and recently she's opened up to me more than ever, and I've seen not so strong portions of her, which to me makes her even stronger. She's such a beautiful, selfless person, and although I know she's made mistakes, and she probably regrets those, she only tries to make choices based on what she feels is right for her family. I strive everyday to be like my mom.

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