Could It Really Be? ImmortalHD fan fic

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Hey there! So if you're reading this, um, hi there. AAAANYWAYS, this is my first piece so I know it's horrible, just let me know if you guys want more!

~Love Kate ;P


Kate's POV

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* "UGH. FIVE MORE MINUTES" I sighed and put my face back on my pillow. "GET YOUR ASS OUTA BED!" Oh, isn't it just lovely how James wakes me. No. "JAMES. CHILL. OUT." I screamed at him, but not in a so to say 'mean' way. "WE'RE GONNA BE LATE" he pulled the covers off me. "NO. WE. ARE. NOT!" we argued for a minute, then I went to get ready. "HURRY UP!" I guess he doesn't understand how girls get ready for the day. "James... SHUT UP!" Well, no time for breakfast I guess. I walked down the stairs, slowly just to make him even more mad! I had on a 'Nova Is My Favorite Creature' t-shirt, black jeans, and a cookie monster beanie. "You ready YET?" He crossed his arms and stared at me waiting for an answer. "Yuperdoodles Mr.UberHaxorNova" He hated it when I called him his YouTube name. He didn't mind the rest of the Creatures or the fans doing it though. Nope. Just me.

I hoped in the car. It was just us. "Did the other guys leave, James?" he rolled his eyes and took a breath of anger. "YES. Is that even a question any more?! They left because YOU took a freakin hour to get ready!" he started the car. "Well sorry." I said in a sassy tone. We were headed to the airport to go to E3. James didn't want to be late, like he ALWAYS is.

We arrived at the airport. It took much longer because drivers just HAPPENED to go slower. James, being who he is, cussed the whole time we sat in traffic. I did too. We both get easily angered, but we do it in a sort of loving way. We pulled up to see Jordan, Dan, Sly, and Seamus waiting outside with their bags sitting on the pavement. "Sorry we were late, KATE HERE took extra long to get ready" James looked at me and I stuck my tongue out at him "Well you can't just WAKE UP lookin' this good" I said sarcastically. We all chuckled. "Can we actually GET ON the plane now?!" Dan had a good suggestion. So we got on our plane. We talked to couple of fans who happened to be on the same flight, signed autographs and took a few pictures. Then I fell asleep.

I was awakened by James whisper-yelling into my ear to, and these are his exact words, 'wake up or I will slap you silly' He didn't need to tell me twice. Not because I was scared of his slapping, but I just could NOT wait for this panel! It would be my first EVER panel, watching in person AND being on! This will be the BEST week ever!

I sluggishly reached out to get my carry-on and suitcase and we headed to find the cab. Me, Dan, and Jordan searched for the cab while the others had McDonalds. I finally saw a man holding a sign that read 'Jordan Mathewson'. I pointed it out to Jordan and we got the others. There were two cabs. One held me, James and Jordan. And the other held Seamus, Sly, and Dan.

As we arrived at our hotel I started to feel tired, so I told James I was going to take a nap in our room. He suggested we all put our stuff away and do the same. We got our keys and headed to the rooms. In the hallway stood a guy with brown hair, and a shirt that read 'Nobs 4 Lyf'. I finally figured out who it was! It was ImmortalHD!!! I have never really talked to him, but I ALWAYS watch his videos! He hugged everyone. Everyone except me. I just glanced at the floor because I was too nervous to look at him. "James, this your girlyfriend?" He obviously didn't know who I was. "EWW! ALEKS SHUT UP! WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT! I'M GONNA PUKE!" James was now yelling at Aleks, but in a jokingly manner. "She's just so, beautiful." I blushed. I blushed so hard Seamus said I looked like a rose. That made me blush more. "Oh get a room Aleks." James always makes those kind of remarks, ALWAYS.

All of us were starving. We couldn't figure out what to get. We all decided NOT to get room service. Just for safety reasons. We all decided we wanted to get Japanese. So we did.

When we arrived, we were seated right away. Because, of course, 'Mr. Plan Everything Jordan' made a reservation. I sat next to Aleks and James, right in the middle of them. We sat at a table that could hold about 8 people. After we got our meals Jordan wanted to say something, this is what he said. "Well, I have some pretty big news. It's been quite a while since we, you know, got rid of max, and we feel the need to add a new creature. Or maybe even two," Everyone glanced at me and Aleks "Kate, Aleks, Welcome, to the Creatures." They all clapped and me and him gasped. I glanced over at him and we locked eyes. I never noticed his beautiful brown eyes, and his beautiful brown hair, and his beautiful. Everything.

We headed back to the hotel and was told not to tell ANYONE about it until after the panel. He was going to announce it at the panel on Friday. But all I could think about was Aleks. I didn't think I was in LOVE with him. But. well. I don't know. Maybe, just maybe... I am.

I woke up the next morning to find James STILL asleep. Perfect time to get back at him. For some reason he had Aleks' megaphone, so, I used it. And he woke RIGHT up! "WHAT THE HELL! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME OR SOMETHING!?!?!" I laughed at his expression. He gave me a 'I'm gonna whoop your ass' kind of look. We had a fan meet up that day. Sly told me I had to stay with Aleks because James was gonna be doin his own little thing. So I got EXTRA ready, I don't know why though.

We got to the fan meet up at around 3 p.m. It was held outside, and it was hot as hell! I couldn't wait for Friday, to be in the nice and cool inside and with the fans. I stood near Aleks for the whole time. While we weren't talking to fans we were talking to each other. Apparently we have a lot in common. From being musicians to loving video games. I think I really am falling for him... I. Love. Aleks.


DAT CLIFFHANGER! So thanks for reading! And tell me if you want more. And if you find any mistakes in the story, PLEASE tell me! Thank you ao much for reading!

~Love Kate

Could It Really Be? ImmortalHD fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now