Chapter 12: Trip For Vows

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating very much :/ I have been working on some amazing stuff with some amazing people, I was invited to this YouTube group called DiamondCrack, but I hope to get back to writing when I have some time! If you have stayed long enough to actually read this series, I just want to thank you a BILLION for doing so! Anyways, have fun reading!

~Love Kate


"Wake up sleepy head..." I had hardly remembered even falling asleep last night, it was just too hectic, "Who is that?"

"Why don't you open your eyes and look," I was honestly way too tired to even open my eyes, now THAT'S tired. I did manage to open my eyes for a slip second, and in that second I saw Aleks. The dreamy, amazing Aleksander Vitaly Marchant that I had fallen in love with. "Kate, ya gotta' get up at some point,"

"I know, I know," I wasn't what you would call a morning person. "Breakfast?"

"Yeah, Dan is cookin' it"

"Nice!" Dan is the best cook I know. He's not just a good cook, he's an AMAZING cook. Like, seriously, EXTREMELY AMAZING. "Whatcha' cookin' Dan?"

"An ommmmmlett!" Dan is just generally happy all the time. The only time he was pissed or not happy was the whole thing with Max. "Hehe, why the extra 'm's?"

"It makes the word POP more" Oh silly, silly Dan. You got to love he guy! Nobody in the group, not even James, yells at him. He's just the 'good guy' of the group!

After we ate, Jordan called a Creature meeting. Uh-oh. We don't have that many unplanned Creature meetings unless it's something not good. "I have called you all here for one reason, that reason is the recent engagement," Everyone stared over at Aleks and I, "What the fuck do you want with them Hordan?" James seemed very tempered today. "Calm your tits James,"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP EDDIE!" Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the happy train. Don't worry, that last sentence made total sense. "I was just going to suggest that after the wedding, they get a week off of work," Wow, that is, really cool. "Jordan, you don't need to do th-"

"We'll take it! Thanks boss!" Well, decision making much? I'm not going to lie, the offer was preeeetty amazing. But it felt wrong accepting it. "Thanks Jordan!"

"No problamo!" It felt kind if weird talking about honeymoons. I don't know, it just feels odd. "Hey James,"


"Why do you hate this whole wedding thing so much?" Oh god, what had I started. "What the hell do you mean..."

"It just seems like you're 'against' it..." There was a really long pause. "Well, I think this meeting is over, thanks for taking out your time to come here," That must have been one of the most embarrassing things in my whole life. I stand by what I had said, James does seem to hate this whole thing, like, A LOT. I don't know, I just feel kind of bad for him. When we were growing up, we didn't exactly have a lot of friends. The only friend I had was him James and 1 other person. Our childhood sucked. Until I met the group, the only fun I could have was with my brother, but now, I feel like we are slipping away from each other. I remember the first time James ever yelled at me was when he wanted to hang out with 'cooler' people. I was heartbroken. But he apologized, and promised to never yell at me again, well, look where we are now. My whole sucky childhood is a story for a different day, a day when it really needs to be heard.

While I was walking to my room it hit me. We needed to write our vows. I'm not the best writer, in fact I suck at writing. But for this occasion I had to try my best. And to do that, I needed some inspiration, and my inspiration was at home, in Pennsylvania, so, that's where I needed to go. "Hey James, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah, of course," He sat down on the couch. "I was thinking, since I need to write my wedding vow, maybe I could go to PA for a short visit?" Now, usually when I bring up stuff like this, he had this weird 'what the hell' look on his face. But this time, he didn't. I was half worried, and half pleased. "Yeah, sure, why not?"

"A-are you serious! You aren't trolling me, are you?"

"No, why would I be? It's your decision!" To be honest, I wasn't that thrilled to go back to Pennsylvania, that's where all my bad memories lied. But I knew in my heart I just had to. There was someone there who was the only other person, besides James, who could cheer me up when I was growing up. I had to see him.

It seems like I have been packing a lot lately. So that must have obviously made me a packing expert right? No, not even the slightest. Lets put it this way, I trie to put my headset into the front of my (already full) suitcase, and expected it to NOT break. This proves just how dumb I actually am. After I had finished my horrible packing, I headed strait to the guys, "I will be gone for 3 days, think you can manage without me?"

"Oh, we'll manage better without you!"

"Hehe, shut up Eddie!" Then he let out his, quote on quote, 'golden giggle'. I smiled every time he laughed, he had the funniest laugh ever! "Bye guys!" They all said goodbye, and I headed to the Denver Airport. When I arrived at the airport, nothing special really happened. I did run into a couple of fans, but other than that, it was a normal plane trip. Like James, I could never really fall asleep on planes. Something about possibly falling to my death doesn't exactly sooth me. When I got to PA, the person who I was going to Pennsylvania to see, was going to pick me up. I could not wait to see him again! That another reason I couldn't really sleep on the plane.

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