Chapter 9: Is This Wrong?

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I've had some things with YouTubers I needed to do, hope you understand! Heres the new chapter! Hope you enjoy, love ya!

~Love Kate

Kate's POV

"I will go with you." He asked me if I needed help with my bag. I was fine, I had a lot of experience packing bags. I headed to my room. I didn't tell James yet. I don't know how I would do it. Maybe, like, at dinner? No, I'll just tell him strait forward. I packed everything, well except my bed. I had A LOT of bags, probably more than Aleks. Apparently he had kept most of his stuff in Boston. My phone started ringing, my ringtone was 'S.I.Y.R' from Eddie's band. "Hello?" there was no answer, "Umm. Hello? Is anyone there?" still no answer, "HELLO!" Finally an answer, "Hi," It was a familiar voice, but I didn't know who. "Who is this?" There was a long pause "I-It's Max..." Why does he keep showing up? And how the hell did he get my number? "Hey look, tell Jordan I'm sorry about what happened, you know, the thing that got me kicked out, and if you guys want me back in, that'd be great..." Wow, that, is not a good move my friends. "Listen Max, I don't know why you got kicked out, but I KNOW you're NEVER coming back. My brother told me to stay the hell away from you, and I'm not gonna' disobey him!" I hung up the phone and slammed it down. "UGH!!!"

I got my bags packed FINALLY! We almost needed a freakin' moving truck! Point is, I have A LOT of stuff. Too much in fact. "Ready to roll?" I nodded my head and got in the car. My phone started ringing again, "I like your choice in ring tones," I chuckled, "Hello?" It was Eddie, "You guys almost here?" I didn't know. I looked to Aleks and he nodded. "Ya, be there in a bit, bye Eddie," We hit a bump and I made a weird laughing noise. "Haha, Bye Kit-Kat!" I hung up the phone. "So how do you think Chef will react when you walk in Mrs. 'Kit-Kat'" He laughed at Eddie's nickname for me, "Haha, I don't know, haven't seen puppychef in almost a year!" I couldn't believe I hadn't seen her in over a year! She had to have been the sweetest dog I had ever met! I couldn't WAIT to see her!

*KNOCK KNOCK* "WHO IIIIISSS IIIITTTT?" Eddie could be very funny and annoying at times. "Dude, It's us," Aleks screamed that at Eddie, he was tired of carrying all the bags. "Us who?" This was an asshole Eddie moment, "Eddie open the door before I break it down, Aleks and I are tired as fuck!" He opened the door. I swear I would have kicked the door down if he didn't open! "Welcome to me casa!" He spread his arms out and walked backwards. "This place is fucking huge! Are you sure it's just and apartment?!" Sly did his million-dollar laugh. "Your bed is in there my lady," He pointed me to a large room. It had a king size bed and red everything! My favorite color was red, it was Aleks' too. Aleks jumped and lied down on the bed. "ahhhhhhh, now this is relaxing!" I chuckled and went over to play with his hair. His hair was like, I don't even know HOW to describe it! "YO! I GOTTA' GO OUT WITH THE BOYS TONIGHT! CAN YOU GUYS HANDLE BEING ALONE!" What did he think was going to happen? Not like we were going to burn down the place! "Dude, you don't have to yell, you're literally right in front of the door!" Eddie just wanted to piss him off, oh classical Eddie!

"Hey, I'm headin' out, we are going to a hotel for the night so we don't have to drive home shit-face drunk." That seemed like a pretty decent plan. This time Seamus was going with them, he said he felt a little better. I didn't want to go out with them. Aleks and I wanted to stay home. "So what do you wanna' do, Aleks?" He smirked, "I have an idea," He leaned in and kissed me. But this kiss was like the other one, it was a very passionate kiss. So I did it back. Eventually we stood up but didn't separate our lips. We headed to the room. Oh no. Was this really happening? I mean, Aleks was amazing in every way, but I-I don't know. "Is this wrong?" He paused, "No, it's so right," To be totally honest, I didn't mind. I loved Aleks, and the stuff he had in mind, well, was what lovers do. The rest of what happened, you don't need to know about, if you know what I'm saying.

I was awakened by the sight of Aleks' beautiful face. "Good mornin' sweetie." Since when was I known as 'Sweetie'? "Hey babe," I kissed him. I don't know why, but I felt like someone was watching us... I don't know maybe I'm just tired. "Hey, where's Eddie?" He hadn't come back yet, "Maybe he's hungover in some hotel." Probably true, but I called to make sure. He was indeed in a hotel, hungover. I could barely understand him, his words were slurred. I hung up the phone. "Yep, he's wasted." We chuckled and went to the kitchen, "What do you want for breakfast?" I usually never got breakfast for him, because I was usually recording. "Uh, nothin'," He smiled and sat down on the couch. "What do you wanna' watch?" I didn't really watch that much TV, I mostly watched YouTube and live-streams, "Doesn't matter, you can choose," I sat down next to him and he decided to put on Family Guy. To be completely honest, I had never watch Family Guy in my life, but it seemed pretty funny, "Maybe I should start watching this more?" He nodded. "Hey, should we go pick up Eddie?" Eddie was probably wandering around the hotel yelling at people. And he probably wouldn't remember how to get home. "Ya, that would be a good idea," He grinned and snatched the keys.

When we got there, Eddie was passed out on the hotel bed. "Dude wake up. Dude wake up! EDDIE WAKE THE FUCK UP!" He finally got up, "IT WASN'T ME!" What the hell was he dreaming about?! "What?" I don't know why I bothered to ask, "Never mind..." That was weird, "We're takin' you home," He stumble out of the hotel, and into the car, "Eddie, do you need some water or something?" He nodded his head, "I'll get you some water when we get back to the house, okay?" There was a lot of traffic, apparently wasted Eddie hated traffic more than sober Eddie. We locked the windows, because he kept yelling at drivers. "EDDIE CALM DOWN!" I never wanted to see Drunk Eddie ever again!

Eddie had calmed down when we got to the house. "I'm gonna' get you some water," Drunk Eddie was gone, Awesome Eddie was back! "Here, drink this" I gave him some water and some Advil (for his headache) "Thanks, Kate." he looked at Puppychef, "Come 'ere girl!" Chef was adorable with him! Eddie and Chef were like twins! Well, except Eddie wasn't a dog. Why did I start comparing him to a dog? I don't know, oh well!

"What are we planin' for dinner?" Eddie had a hungry look in his eyes. "I COULD EAT A FUCKING PIG!" Aleks walked in, putting his leather jacket on, "What's this I hear about Eddie eating out a pig?" I laughed, then caught myself. "Shut up Aleks, you know I didn't say that!" He rolled his eyes and grabbed the keys, "Hey Aleks, where ARE we going?" He laughed, "You'll see." Um, that's weird? I figured we were not going anywhere special, because 1. We had Eddie with us, and 2. We usually go somewhere like Red Robins, or Apple Bees. Never has he not told me where we were headed. I picked up my phone, *Riiiiiing. Riiiiiiing* "Hey sis, what the fuck you callin' me for," He giggled, "I'm just kiddin' with ya!" I didn't actually know why I was calling him. "Oh, just wanted to talk. Ya' know, see what your up to." "Well, you're not gonna' get much, I'm sitting here, WAITING FOR THIS STUPID ASS VIDEO TO RENDER SO I CAN UPLOAD IT!" James always had problems with patience. "Haha, I'm sorry, It's just I've been sitting here fir over an hour, and it's only 27% done, UGH!" I felt bad for him, I mean, It's not everyday that you get to well, umm, actually I don't know what he was going to do today. Maybe he was doing nothing. And rendering was his only form of 'entertainment' today. "Oh, well I will leave you to attend your YouTube problems." He sighed, "All right, talk to you later!" I hung up, "So, Aleks, can you tell me were we are going NOW?!" He laughed but wouldn't say. It had been maybe a year that we were 'together' and he had never done this before. I was getting some what worried.
Hey! Sorry it wasn't as long as I had promised, but it's still something! I am TERRIBLY sorry about my long break! I had, well, 'business' to attend to. Hope you understand! New story is coming out! So PLEASE check that out as well! Love ya! And as always,

~Love Kate

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