Chapter 11: The Gathering

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Hey reader! This might be short, and it might be sort of long, hope you enjoy!

~Love Kate


"James?" I thought I heard his voice over the phone. "H-hello? James you there?" Someone was crying. I wasn't sure if it was James or not, "J-James, are you okay?" I heard some sniffles, "JAMES!" He was crying, but he wiped away the tears and answered. "Oh, *Sniffle* y-ya?"

"Why were you crying?" I heard more sniffles, "Oh, nothing."

"James please. I know you well enough to know something is going on,"

"I SAID IT IS NOTHING! Now drop it, NOW!" There was a long pause, "J-j-james?"

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!? CAN'T YOU SEE I'M BUSY!" I started to tear up, "Uh... oh god, I'm so SO sorry I didn't mean it!"

"Yes, yes you did." I immediately hung up the phone. Now I was sobbing, "Hey, hey! You ok!" It was Eddie. "Oh, uh, ya." I had to thjnk of an excuse, "I-I, umm, I'm just uh, a little, uh emotional, ya' know." Wow. That was the lamest excuse ever. "What's REALLY going on?"

"Nothing, James yelled at me, so I got a little upset, that's all."

"Kate, you know he yells at you 'cuz he loves you!" Yeah right, James yells at everyone. He can't possibly 'love' everybody. "Please Eddie, I know he's just an angry dude." He looked down, "I'll talk to him-"

"No, Eddie. I can fight my own battles..."

"Fine, but can I at least go talk to Aleks about it? PLEEEEEAAAASE?"

"Oh, fine. Hey were IS Aleks anyways?" Sly shrugged. Eddie glanced over to the window. "What are you hiding Eddie???" He looked at his phone and blocked the balcony doors. "Nothing." He kept looking at his phone, "Eddie, seriously." He wouldn't open the doors, "EEEEEDDIE! COME ON!" He looked at his phone, it was exactly 10:00 p.m. "You may now enter the balcony," He directed me out the balcony doors and shut them behind me, keeping himself inside the appartment.

"Hey! Pst! Down here!" I looked down to find Aleks standing in front of our apartment building with a guitar. "Aleks what in the world are you doing-"

"Shhhh! Just listen! 🎵When you. Walk in the room. My. heart starts to flutterrrr. And. When you walk out. It just, falls out and shatterrrs, cuz I. Love. Yooooouuuuu. And baby you know its true and you. do. toooo. Baby lets fly away. To the land of love. 'Cuz your the only one. Ba-da-bap-bap-ba. Ba. Ba. Baby you and me, we don't need nobody. Else. 'Cuz it's just you and me. A-ba-da-bap-bap-ba. Eah, ah, ah. And when you walk in the room, my heart. Starts to fluttterrr. 'Cuz your like no othhhheeeeer. Just hold my hand. Hold it tight. And maybe. You'll be mine for liiiiiiiiife. And when you leave, I'll start to shatter, 'cuz baby you and me. We'll last forevvvveer. Just fly away, with me tonight, to the land of love, just you and me. 'Cuz baby, I don't wanna leave, without, yooouuuu🎵 I stated to tear up. Nobody had ever done that for me. "Aleks. Vitaly. Marchant.I love you you cheesy son of a bitch!" Then I saw Eddie walk out with a video camera, "Eddie, you get it?"

"Yep, Aleks," That was the most adorable/cheesy thing I have ever experienced in my life. All of the sudden, Aleks motioned for someone, or some people to come over. "God, who else is down there Aleks?!" They were all there, James, Jordan, Seamus, Ze, Sp00n, Dan. All of my best friends, no, my family. "Come down here!" Jordan motioned for me to come outside, "Ok, in a second!" I was so happy to see everyone I cared about all in one place doing one thing. Not in a billion different places doing their own thing (which was usually the case)

"Oh my god, I love you guys!" After I hugged all of them, I had to tell them.

"So, umm...something happened earlier..."

"Ya, we know, you're engaged." James didn't look too pleased. "Yes James," I grabbed Aleks' hand, "I couldn't be happier."

"It-it-it's just," He started stuttering, "N-never mind," He brought the sleeve of his sweatshirt to his face, "James, d-don't start to m-m-make me cry." We both started bursting tears and ran into each-others arms, "I love you 'lil sis,"

"You too big brother," I felt happy and sad that I was engaged. On one hand, I got to spend the rest of my life with the man I loved. On the other hand, I won't be able to wake up everyday to see the one who inspired me to do this whole YouTube thing; mentored me about the world; and who I trusted my everything with. I will miss James incredibly, but hopefully, that trust will turn to Aleks, so I will have both of my bestest friends by my side, forever.


"Hey 'lil sis," It was James, "Hey James, you ok? You sound terrible,"

"Ya," He kept sniffling, was he sick? "Are you sure you're fine?" There was a short pause, "Ya,"

"What's wrong, James?" I waited for a reply

"I-I, this whole, marriage thing, I-I-I... don't like it." Not to be rude to him, but since when was it HIS job to tell me what I can, and cannot do?! "Why!" I had no idea why he was against me and Aleks' engagement, "Is this about Aleks? Look James, I know he's not your favorite, but he's not a bad guy, in fact, he's a GREAT guy!!!"

"Ya, I know, but I-I-I, I don't want you to grow up on me, you're the only one left in the family that's actually sane,"

"Not so sure about that, James." We both chuckled for a short time, "Look, James, I will never stop being your little sister, I will always love you, no matter what! You've been there from the start, literally! I love you, that will never change!"

"Well, I'm glad we talked. And Kate," What know? "Yes, James?"

"I love you too, an forever will." D'aaww, sometimes James can be as sweet as anything, other times, maybe not so much. "Goodnight James,"

"G'Night Kate," I hung up the phone, and drifted into a deep slumber.

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