Chapter 2

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Kyle's house on the side :D And I'm not sure what happend in the wording but for some reason some of the words mess up and carried on to another line.


School sucked just like always, I somehow didn't get bullied at all today. exept one girl called me fat, I woulden't blame her for calling me fat. I am fat anyway. I went to Kyle's house to do home work since we had a science project due on Friday.

I always loved coming to Kyle's house. I could get away from my dad for a while, which was great for me. Kyle lived in a mansion, it was just beautiful. There was a pretty garden outside and there was a nice pool in the back yard. We walked inside, and we see his mom on the phone. She waved at us and we waved back. We walked up stairs into Kyle's room. It was very white and modern looking in his room. We walked in, threw our backpacks on the ground and sat on the bed.

"Ugh i don't wanna do science. Can you do it for me?" Kyle said sounding like a little kid "Quit complaining its a group project and its easy"

Our science teacher said we have to take care of a pet for 5 days. We got to choose a random number out of a bowl and that told us what pet we have to take care of. Me and Kyle got the number 4 which was a turtle. Our science teacher told us we just have to go to the local pet store, show our student ids and tell them what pet we needed then bring the pet back after the project was over.

"We need to go get the turtle" I said to Kyle "You could've reminded me before we got home to stop at the pet store" "Come on. Lets Gooo!"

Once we got to the pet store we went in, got the turtle, some food and a little fish tank for it to stay in.

Kyle stopped at McDonald's, We went through the drive through and he order 2 burgers, 2 frys and drinks for us. "You forgot to get the turtle something" I said "Its a turtle skye" Kyle said Smiling We pulled up to the window and the lady handed us our food and drinks. I reached in the bag and grabed a fry to feed to the turtle. "I don't think turtles should have frys" Kyle said

Once we got back to kyles house we brought the turtle in and set his little turtle home up in Kyles room. We started eating on Kyle's bed, after about 30 minutes of eating and talking it was 6:30

PM * my phone started ringing "Who is It?" Kyle said. "My dad"

I answered it and i herd my dad yelling

"SKYE WHERE ARE YOU? COME HOME NOW" "Okay Dad I'm at Kyle's house. I'll be home in a sec" "Hurry up. I need to talk to you when you get home" Then my dad hung up. I know what he's gonna do when i get home. But If i don't come home he'll hurt me worse.

''I have to go home. Bye'' I said. "Why?" Kyle said.

"My dad needs to talk to me"

"Alright. I'll take you home"

"No I can walk. Its okay. Bye"

I said walking out of his room. "WAIT SKYE" '"I'm gonna drive you home"

We got in the car and drove to my house. I knew Kyle wasen't gonna let me walk home so I just said yes. But if my dad see's us together he'll freak.

"Thanks" I said to kyle after i got out of the car.

He drove off and I walked to my house slowly. Not wanting to go in but i knew i had to. "GET IN HERE BEFORE THE NEIGHBORS SEE YOUR UGLY ASS" My dad pulled me inside the house and grabed a belt.... I started crying as he pushed me on the ground and slaped my side where there was already a big bruse. My phone started ringing when my dad answered it. Of course he wasent gonna let me answer it when i can barly breath from crying so hard.

"Hello?" He said while he holds his hand over my mouth to keep me from screaming I could hear Kyle "Skye?" "No this is her dad. She's taking a shower" My dad said lying "oh well she left her backpack at my house. Do you want me to drop it off at your house?"

"That would be greatly apreciated" My dad said "Ok. I'll be there in about 5 minutes" "Alright." My dad said as he was ending the call.


Yay! another page done.

My Girl Skye (Trigger Warning)Where stories live. Discover now