{Chapter 1}

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{Chapter 1}

I am nothing special. I am not the kind of drop dead gorgeous, popular girl with tons of friends. I am not a brilliant young thinker. I am not a sport star or a drama queen or anybody thats really so terribly interesting.

I am just an insignificant girl with an insignificant name in an insignificant town full of insignificant places. Surrounded by people so much better at everything. I can blend in pretty well, i mean most people don't usually notice me anyway. Nobody would ever notice someone so, well, simple.

Who would notice a girl who always wore unstylish clothes, who wore reading glasses when the occasion of fine print occurred, who always had her hair pulled back. Not a single hair had ever been loose while under the watch of the public eye. Ever since I was 7. Why would it? Everyone so much better than me, why even try? Everybody so much prettier, so much more talented and smart and all around perfect. why even try to be something im not? Im just ordinary.

I live in a moderately small town in Oregon named Maple's Burrow. Any other season but summer the town is covered in a spackling of fog varying in density, turning the buildings happy colors into dull copies of themselves. The highlight of the town is Main Street, where everyone socializes and goes out on dates. Several big and local businesses line Main Street where the town lights up festively in the nighttime. It's pretty much an open town semi surrounded by dense forest. there is only 1 high school in the whole town, which is the school I go to.

Carter High School is just like any other American high school. Nothing really different about it besides Late Wednesdays and lunch off campus for those who are "behaved". Its still just a crappy high school where social ranks are important, classes are unbearable, and everyone but the do gooders wishes they were someplace else. Being an outsider doesn't really help in the "social life" department though. Especially with my gift, or whatever the hell you want to call it.

I can see people's emotions and thoughts. Based on their actions, facial expressions, and speech, I can pretty much read their minds, sometimes clearer than others. It's really hard to explain. The look in that boys eyes and the way he rubs his brow from time to time says he's worried about something. That girl thought of ditching 3rd period. That teacher hates her job. I don't know why i can do this. I guess I was just born with it. But the one thing I know is that it's always worked 100% of the time. Until the day I met him.



Hey Guys! This is my first story so I really hope you enjoy it! I'll try to update as often as I can but with school it's hard so please be patient! Thanks! Vote and Favorite and add it to your library to read on! I know this chapter's short but oh well :3

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