{Chapter 4}

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{Chapter 4}

The next day I woke up sick, a great start to my day. I picked up my cell phone and called my elderly friend Linda. I met Linda doing community service to pick up trash along the river that runs through the woods. She was the director and me and 10 others were the only ones to help. I was younger then, and so was she. As I was reaching for a piece of trash my foot slipped, and if Linda wasn't right there to catch me, I would have been swept away by the rushing water. We have kept In touch ever since and she is one of the people i am the closest to.

Once she picked up the phone I told her everything that happened the day before.

"Sweetie, that's just peachy keen!!" I loved Linda's voice, it sounded just like she looked.

Linda wore all different kinds of dresses in many floral and crazy old lady patterns. She always wore her white tennis shoes even if it didn't match her outfit, and her extremely long white hair was pulled up into a large bun. Her skin was wrinkled in an inviting, Grandma kind of way and the crinkles around her green eyes made her look like she had been happy her whole life. She looked and sounded sweet, fragile, and loving.

"Oh I'm just so happy your making new friends!!! It's about dang time, wouldn't you say? Well, I must go, tai chi starts in 15 minutes. You take care dear ok? Just be careful with this boy, ok dear, by-bye!!" And with that, she hung up the phone. I didn't even have the chance to ask her what she had meant. Be careful? I barely knew him. For Christ's sake I didn't even know him! I sighed and sat there for just a moment longer.

After hanging up the phone I went to puke some more and soon fell asleep. When I woke up a number I had never seen before had left me a message.

"Grace...Mrs. Klinez gave me your number. Are we studying tommorrow?" This was ensued by a long akward pause and a mumbled goodbye afterwards.

I sat up and replied to him in a text:

" I'm gunna stay home 2morrow too. Just swing by after school. My adress is 5342 Timber Creek Lane. See u 2morrow."

I added his contact to my phone and laid back on my bed to think. My phone instantaneously started to ring, a blocked caller. I picked it up to mess with the kids prank calling me.

"Hello?" All I heard was silence from the other side and a could hear the faint breathing of a person in the background . As soon as I spoke the other person held off a few seconds before panicking, then hung up.

There were to many things going through my head, I was dizzy. I stumbled back to the bathroom and returned to my bedroom soon after to nap again.

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