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Hey guys,

It's been a while huh? Well I just wanted to let you guys know this story is on hold. I honestly hate the turn the story took. I didn't map it out well enough event wise and I hate it. There's some parts I really love I integrated, but the action is accelerating too fast. It's really making me frustrated, but honestly, quality work takes time, not an hour, or a day. And time is something I rarely have. So I'm taking a break. I'm going to write out a story that I'm really excited about, finish it, then post it in small parts. I just need to cool down and start reworking Amazing Maybe. And I might me another account just to remain anonymous. I don't like my irl friends seeing my work, it makes me feel very self-conscious about my writing. I wanted to do the one thing I'm great at in private, but being too excited didn't help with self confidence either :/. I really hope you guys understand and I'll try to get sorted out soon! I love all of you guys!

✨Stay Inspired!✨


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