Chapter 8 The dresses

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Leia ran down the road to meet Beth and Becca where they were stood there waiting jumping with excitement.The moment has come where they finally get to choose their amazing prom dresses!

They walked along the street,up the small path that leads to town,past the fish and chips shop (which smelt gorgeous..), round the bend and there they were at the first shop,quiz.

They opened the door to be greated by a jolly women with ginger hair,she looked at the girls with her big bright eyes and started talking.After their 10 minute conversation about what colours they are going for, she led them downstairs. The first thing that jumped out at them was tens and hundreds of beautiful dresses. They all zoomed across to the ones they liked, Leia already had 3 in her hands,she had gone for a long baby pink floaty dress,a hot pink fishtail dress and a coraly coloured one which was covered in sparkles!

Beth had gone for a deep blue dress with embroidery down the side and a sky blue fishtail dress.

Becca had chosen a bright orange puffy dress with sparkles and a slim plum coloured dress with cream lace across the front.

They all headed into the large changing rooms to try on there first dress.

Who knows what they are thinking are they gorgeous,the dress of their dreams or the complete opposite...


thank u for reading that chapter there will be more soon! it wasnt one of my longest but it will get better thank u again!!

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