Part 2

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The bell goes at the end of registration I quickly get up form my seat and stumble out the tutor room, trying to a avoid contact with as little as possible. My head down so as not to make I contact and rush down the hallway heading towards my English lesson I slam my 5ft self, straight into a 6ft something wall of a boy. I stumble other falling on my bum and dropping my bag. "Ss.. Sorry." I stammer rushing to pick up my stuff and get out of the hallways. "Here." the boy says reaching out his hand for me to grab so he can pull me up. Why is he helping me, know one in this school likes me enough to do that. As I get to my feet my eyes follow up his towering body up to his face. I haven't seen him before he must be new, I suppose that's why he did something nice for me, he doesn't know who I am yet. The outcast of my class, the girl everybody hates for no reason! "Oih watch were your going love!" He says snapping me out of my daydream "Thanks," I quickly say before pushing past him and rushing of to English. I go to the back of the class room and take my seat at a double desk at the back of the room except the other chairs empty, know one wants to sit next to me... Other people start to file into class and the last person to follow them is the new boy. He goes over to the teacher, Mrs Davies, desk at the front, they talk for a bit and then she points him towards the desk next to me at the back of the room. He confidentially walks other in his black ripped jeans, white t-shirt, black and blue checked shirt, black vans and black slouch beanie. He throws his bag on the floor and slams himself onto the seat next to me. "We need to stop meeting like this babes! Let me introduce myself I'm Zac, and you are sweet cheeks?" He asks me gesturing his hand towards me in a cocky way. "I'm um Ella." I just about manage to stay whilst fiddling with a fly away from my messy bun. "Ella., tell me about yourself." He says slouching back in his chair. I feel a bout of anxiety shoot through me and I don't know how to reply. "Um what do you mean?" I ask him awkwardly now fiddling with my hands. "Okay i'll go first. My full name is Zachary Jax Perez. I'm 17 I've been held back a year, I just moved to this part of London and I have 2 brothers ones 15 and the other ones 18. I have no interest in school and only come because I don't want to get held back another year!" He tells me. "Um okay well, my names Ella-Rose Victoria Bell but I just get called Ella, I've lived here pretty much my whole life, I'm 16, I have to 2 brothers who are 4 and 18 and 4 sisters who are 17, 13 and twins who are 10." I reply I'm surprised how much I managed to tell him without panicking or crying. "Is that all, you haven't shared very much detail about YOURSELF?" Zac questions me leaning on his elbow and looking at me straight in the eye. "I'm not a very open person," I reply trying to avoid eye contact feeling more uncomfortable by the second. "I want to know all your secrets!" He whispers in my ear his warm breath tickling me. "Good luck with that!" I exclaim almost scoffing. "I don't need luck, I just need to find the key to unlock them!" He whispers once again then leans back in his seat jolting the table slightly. "Okay class quieten down please!" Mrs Davies shouts over all of us as the class starts to go silent other than the few odd giggles she stands up from her chair, ready to start the lesson.
4 hours later
It's lunch time, the worst time of the day for me. I have no one to sit with, so I sit on my own everyday feeling the preying eyes of other people judging me as a hastily eat my lunch. I sit down at my usual table and begin eating, trying to drift of into a deep day dream to escape this dreadful place. Suddenly someone slams their stuff down on the table next to me. It makes me startle and snap out of my own world. I look up to see Zac sitting down next to me. "Hello again Ella-Rose." He exclaims, slouching back in hid chair as per usual. "Hi Zac," I reply nervously, why has he been following me all day. Surely he would have heard the rumours about me by now! "Why are you sat on your own sweet cheeks?" He cockily questions. "Just you know, reasons." I reply fidgeting a little bit on my chair. "Hmm another secret for me to unlock.." He takes of his beanie runs his hands through his brown wavy hair that's short, but long on top. so that it falls across his face if he lets it be free, he puts his beanie back on and adjusts it till it fits right. 
Hope you enjoyed my new chapter, will try and post another one within the next few days.

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