Part 3

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I walk home from school which was okay ish, I guess, today at least a few people spoke to me without saying anything hurtful and stabbing me in the back! I daydream about the new boy Zac. He I think I might like him, at least he treats me like a human, which is more than can be said for most people at that place of torture that fills my heart with terror. I walk up my drive to my front door and get out my keys from my pocket to let myself in. I head to the kitchen to grab some water, my big brother and a few of his mates are in there messing about and throwing apples around the kitchen like tennis balls. "Hello young Elsabells, how are you?" Brooklyn's best friend Harry questions. We're really good friends as I've known him for 10 years now! "Um okay i guess." I mumble standing on my tiptoes trying to reach the water which had been placed on the top shelf by some idiot who did not have 5ft people in mind whilst doing so. "What's wrong El if it's boys we'll beet them pricks up!" Brooklyns other friend Jag says. All of my big brothers best friends are so protective other me, I grew up playing with most of them as I used to be such a Tom boy myself. I was so loud so outgoing, I don't know what's happened I really don't know who I am anymore... "Nah it's fine don't worry about it.. Can one of you get that down for me please!" I plead trying to change the subject. Another boy Justin grabs one for me. "Here you go short ass!" He exclaims as all the boys look at each other and nod. All of a sudden they all charge at me at once, Brooklyn grabs my arms Justin grabs one leg and Jag grabs the other. "Tickle tickle tickle!!!" Harry shouts tickling me as I scream. It's a scream of laughter mixed with a scream of pain as I feel the deep cuts in my skin being agitated and aggressively they scream out in pain! I bite my tongue so I don't scream in real life. "Put me down now!" I say kicking and screaming in between giggles. "If that's what you want." Brooklyn says looking at the other boys mischievously as they all nod and drop me on the floor suddenly, I land with a thud! "Ouch!" I yell out in pain a little more dramatically  than needed but it got the point across!  "Whoops sorry.." Harry says laughing and all the other boys join in! "Hey!" I exclaim looking up at them. "Oh we love you really!" Justin replies ruffling my hair. "Group hug!" Jag says as Harry pulls me to my feet and they all squish me as they bundle in for a "bro hug". "Now if you don't mind I'm going to go to my room and do some homework!" I say wriggling free from the grip of four boys. "When did you become so boring, you used to be so much fun now you never leave your room?" Harry complains. "Yeah well I guess I just grew up." I reply sighing and walking towards the door frame to head up stairs. I climb up and go to my bedroom i slam my bag on the floor then dig under my pillow for my diary. I begin to write about about my long day and especially about Zac! "Today was an okay day I guess, better than normal anyway. I had no panic attacks and someone actually took an interest in me other than talking about me behind my back. This new boy Zac he has the most perfect big piercing blue eyes, they say the eyes are the Windows to the soul. His hair is dark, long and wavy on top but short at the back. He must be 6ft something and his style is rugged but not scruffy. He seems like such a badboy, not the kind of guy I should have a crush on, but I can't help it! He'll hear the roomers soon enough and just ignore me like everyone else does, so it doesn't really matter if I like him or not I guess..." My hand starts to ache so I close my diary and and slide it back under my pillow, I reach for my phone and put on my Spotify playlist then then reach in my bag for my English book, better start some home work!
Sorry I haven't posted in ages my loves but I'm in a production of bugsy and have been rehearsing a lot, also it has taken me about a week to write this chapter, as I have had writers block. Knew chapters on their way...

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