Chapter 2: In Love

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Me and Patrick have become really good friends and all but my love for him keeps growing everyday. I walk into my office with a coffee mug and sit it on my desk. I now have over 200,000 subscribers and Patrick has made a million now. I walk to my calendar and went to today's date. March 23rd, 2024. I sit down on my chair and log into my computer. "Have you seen Patrick? Me and Patrick have a recording to do for AI Productions," Ax says leaning in my room. "Nope. Haven't seen him all day," I respond. I get my phone out and message Patrick asking where he is. I get a message from Patrick about 30 minutes later. "Not feeling well. I won't be in the office today!" I sit my phone down and open up YouTube and begin to scroll through a video that me and Patrick made. Some people shipped us as #Pax or #Patrix. It was cute. My parents have been here a couple times and absolutely loved Patrick. They keep telling me to ask him out but I keep telling them that I am trying to build a foundation but now-a-days I think it is time. Me and Patrick are really close and I know A LOT about Patrick except his parents and other type of stuff but I don't want to take any chances. I have noticed that he likes to spend a lot of time with me and is close to me a lot... so maybe he does like me.

Patrick's POV

I flip myself over on my bed as I pull the covers over my head. I move my head away from the wet-damped area on my pillow to a dry area. I've been crying for hours as memories of me and Corey flash through my mind. Even though I am strong I just become so weak on the day of his death. I slowly fall into a deep sleep.

I see myself driving in a car drunk as I pour the alcohol slowly in my mouth. The guy next me began to touch me sexually. "Stop!" I scream at him. "I can make you scream loud," the guy next to me said. "I have a boyfriend and I'm not going to cheat on him!" I scream clashing the empty alcohol bottle onto his head. The glass shatters everywhere. I look up at the windshield to see myself on the wrong side of the road crashing into a car. I can hear myself scream as the car impacts mine. I spin fast as I spin off the road. The other car had flipped. The guy in the car was dead as I see blood leaking from his nose and his mouth open with blood coming out. The top of my head was bleeding as I open the car door and get out. I walk over to the car to hear the alarm going off like crazy. I look in the drivers seat to see Corey. His arm was cut open and his head was bleeding severely. I begin to cry as I fall onto the ground devastated. I hear an ambulance coming. I get up with my tears flying off my face and run away from the scene.

I wake up screaming. I can feel tears sliding down my face. Sweat lingered on my back as I begin to pant loudly! I get up quickly and grab my keys as I run out of my apartment slamming the door behind me. I run down the stairs and pace towards my car. I quickly get in and drive off.

Max's POV

"Hey! Can I speak to you?" I ask Marie walking in her room. "Yeah," she says looking up from her phone. "I have a secret to confess to you!" I say knowing I can trust her. "Okay," she responds back. "I... Uh... I... I have a crush on Patrick," I say blushing. "Aww... Max is in love!" Marie says with a smile. "Do you know much about Patrick?" I ask hoping for some more courage to ask him out. "Not really..." Marie says. "Okay," I say leaving the room. I walk by Ander's room and walk in. "Hey Ander!" I say with a smile. "Hey!" Ander says jumping up. "What you doing?" I ask walking to the empty chair and sitting down. "Nothing but can I tell you something?" Ander asks getting up and walking towards me. "Uh... Sure," I say. He stands in front of me and pulls me up. "I have a crush on you... and I have been nervous about telling you this," Ander says with a red tone in his cheeks. I didn't say anything. I was shocked. Ander leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips. I don't kiss back as I stand in shock processing what just happened. "I-I-I am sorry," Ander says backing away. I grab his arm and kiss him back. We kiss a few more times before I stop. "I can't though," I say leaving the room. I walk into the next room which was my office and close the door and turning off the lights. I close the blinds and sit down on my chair as I begin to cry. I had no idea Ander had feelings for me and it hurts because I'm in love with Patrick but he is in love with me.

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