Mendetta Management

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So the bitch decided to venture to close to home . i naturally stropped her whilst she was driving all her new imported cars to her dealership just outside of the Industrial district. I raised a giant wave to crash onto her convoy and wipe them out watching them get crush by the force. In retaliation she started firing her fireballs at a store of mine but i quickly put it out. The behemoth sky fortress was still looming over us like a big fugly orange and white cloud. And then he drove in...

The boss called me and said "well i finally get to talk to the yappy 13 year old ruler of town, hows Christina?" I laughed and said "mate if you think your being hard why don't you come to the fucking dealership and blow it up together so we can for some sort of alliance yeh?" "He said no your my enemy not my homie mate so fuck off to your bedroom before mumm gives you a smack yeh!" I just hung up. Dick.

Christina was shooting innocents in the downtown area so naturally i went down there and said "Oi whore what have they done to you?" She just glared and said "fuck off you have no place to be here!" So i said " urh are you forgetting i own this place hmm?" She teleported away.

The Mendettas had a meeting in the dealership tomorrow with some VIP's from Italy and i planned to crash the party.

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