Napstablook (again)!

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y/n POV

Man, I can't get through to the dummy I found in the dump. Well he found me and I tried to reason with him but I can't. He goes on and on about how ghosts work.

"Y/n! Look out!" Flowey cried.

"I'm trying!" I told him. "Huh?"

Acid..... tears?

"Oh now look who it is! A thanks would be nice!" the ghost yelled.

"Sorry, do you live around here?" I asked soothing Flowey.

"Yeah, why?"

"May we rest there a bit?"

He scoffed. "Fine."

"Thanks Napstablook!"

We went to a weird shaped house. "Don't touch anything!"

"Hey, y/n I feel fine, let's just go!" Flowey pleaded.

"After I find out what those CDs are!" I smiled.

"Oh, it's just some music for a stupid thing I thought would work..."

"What was it?"

"Why are you so nosey?"

"I just wanted to know what you feel like before I go to your cousin's."

He sighed. "He said he wouldn't leave me and that we would start a band, then he left me."

"I'll tell him about the band then!"

"I don't care anymore."

"Then why do you still hold a grudge and have the music?"


"y/n, we should go!" Flowey complained.

Napstablook sighed. "I guess your right, I do still want to be in a band with him..... he just hurt me and he probably won't want to be around me anymore."

"I'm sure he wants to be in the band too, have you ever given him a chance to talk to you?"

"No..... I think I've been too mad."

"Don't worry, my word still stands!"

He smiled a bit at me and I smiled back taking Flowey to our next adventure. "See you Napstablook!"

"Thanks y/n........"

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