three » ex-girlfriend

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I never got over the 'breakup' between Lexa and I. I mean, how could I? I had loved her for as long as I knew, and I couldn't exactly throw that all away because she told me to. I still loved her, despite her selfish acts and decisions.

Respecting her decision, I no longer called her my girlfriend, or Lexa. To be fair, I hardly ever spoke to her at all. Only when I was on duty and had to talk to her for important reasons, otherwise we never communicated. It was hard for me, especially because she was the person I went to whenever I felt like this. Terrible. Hurt. Upset.

She would give me a kiss, tell me everything was okay, and we would spend our time together, in each other's embrace. But we couldn't do that now because she wasn't mine anymore.

I minded my own business and went by my days wondering why everything had to turn out like this. I wondered where everything had slowly gone wrong. When Lexa had felt the need to decide that I was her weakness. That I wasn't needed. I tried not to think about it too much, but I couldn't help it. She was always on my mind, whether I liked it or not.

And what annoyed me even more was that whenever I did look at her secretly, or see her around, she didn't look like she was hurting. It was as if our relationship had meant nothing to her. As if I had meant nothing to her. Knowing that she could continue her life as normal hurt way more than it should have.

Anyway, as I said, I mostly only saw her when I was on duty. Which is why when the time came for a hunt beyond our borders to take place, I unfortunately had to get her permission to leave.

Grounders had gone on many hunts before, myself joining in on them. As a warrior, it was my job to prepare for things like this. So when I heard that a group of other warriors were organising a hunt to take place outside our grounder territory, I was the one of the first to join in. It was a dangerous mission to go on, especially because it was beyond our ground, but I wanted to help. However, before anyone could leave for a hunt, they needed permission of the commander.

"This is everyone?" I heard Lexa ask Titus in private beside the throne.

Myself, along with several others who were wanting to go on this expedition were brought together into the throne room where we would ask for Lexa's permission to leave. We all knew she would say yes because it would benefit our people, however, I wasn't exactly confident that she would let me go.

I saw Titus nod in response to Lexa's question before the two took their positions, Titus remaining standing and Lexa sitting on the throne. Everyone's voices hushed as we waited for her to speak.

"So, you all wish to embark upon this hunt that goes beyond grounder territory. Am I correct?" Lexa asked, her eyes darting from person to person.

Hoping to avoid her eyes and her recognising me, I kept my head lowered and focused on the ground, trying to hide behind a tall, bulky man.

"Yes, Commander," someone responded confidently, kneeling before her. "With your permission, of course."

There was no response, but I assumed that Lexa had nodded her head or something. I released a breath of relief when I realised that we had gotten permission and I could leave, however, that relief was short lived when I was caught.


"Dang it...," I muttered with annoyance, before stepping around the tall man and looking up at my ex-girlfriend. "Um, hey?"

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