four » lover

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I was sure we had been there for about five hours now. I had lost count after Lexa had fallen asleep. At first, she was sat on the opposite side of the cell from me, tucked away in her own little corner. I think she had got the gist that I didn't want to be close to her right now, especially because of the fact that neither of us had initiated a conversation in the past few hours. However, when she woke up, she sat beside me, hoping to speak, only for me to shut her down. Eventually, she fell asleep all over again.

I glanced down at her sleeping figure. She started off by leaning against the wall, but then her head slipped onto my shoulder, and I couldn't find it in myself to push her away. I hadn't been this close to her since before she broke up with me, and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it. As much as I tried to show her that I was better of without her, I knew I wasn't. She was my better half. And I wanted her to be mine again. Not my Commander, my Lexa.

She shuffled on my shoulder, trying to find a comfortable position, and without thinking twice about it, I moved her so that she was laying down on my lap. She seemed to be more comfortable as she stopped fidgeting and instead remained still. I raised my hand shakily, before relaxing it as I played with her long wavy locks.

It hurt to know that it took circumstances such as these in order for me to be able to be this close with her. And that's when I realised where we were. What was happening.

I looked up and tried to think of a way to get us out of here. Or at least get her out of here. From what I could tell, we had a third enemy now, and they were after our land. Our homes. Our people. The only way to get out of here would be to tell them who our leader was, but that wasn't an option. Unless I convinced them to let Lexa go, and then 'tell' them...

I looked down to Lexa, chewing on my lower lip as I thought about her safety. I felt so angry at these people for even laying a finger on her. I knew that she was capable of looking after herself, however. I mean, she wasn't the Commander for no reason. But that didn't make this any easier to deal with.

I released a deep breath, leaning my head on the wall behind me. I didn't know what to do. All I knew was that Lexa was safe right now, and I intended to keep it that way.


I woke up to the loud sound metal against metal, and that's when I saw the light flood through our cell. The cell door was being slid open, and in walked a very angry-looking man. And he was holding a gun, that was directed at both Lexa and I.

Lexa had woken up, too, and was now rubbing her eyes as she sat up beside me, trying to get used to her surroundings. If it weren't for the situation we were in, I would have fawned over how adorable she looked.

"Stand up, now!" the figure yelled aggressively, motioning his gun at us. "Now!"

Lexa and I stumbled as we stood up, and raised our hands in the air as a 'surrender'. The guy looked mad, like he was fresh from a psycho ward or something. Now wasn't the time to debate anything with him.

"One of you better tell me who your fucking leader is," he snarled, keeping his gun trained on us. "I'm so fucking hungry and tired and we need your fucking land now tell me!"

I looked to Lexa and found that she was staring right back. It was pretty obvious that neither of us would tell them anything, despite our current situation. We looked back to the man who looked both hungry and tired, as he said. That's when it dawned on me... these people were desperate. They needed food, otherwise they would die out. And from the looks of it, this guy didn't look like anyone of importance. He looked like an ordinary guy – possibly one of their people.

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