two » commander

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I stood in the crowd, eagerly watching the fight that was about to begin between Lexa and another nightblood called Jade. Lexa had managed to beat (unfortunately for them, this meant killing) the other nightbloods, and she only had to win to be crowned Heda. I had no doubts that she would win, yet my eyes couldn't seem to tear away from the match that was about to begin before me.

"The final round ste between Leksa gon Trikru en Jade gon Azgeda. May the rightful Heda win (The final round is between Lexa from Trikru and Jade from Ice Nation. May the rightful Commander win)," Titus announced, his voice echoing into the crowd-filled area.

Everyone's eyes were trained on the two fierce-looking girls in the 'arena'. Jade had the signature Ice Nation scars on her face, her hair pulled back into a braided ponytail, and her face seemed to have a permanent scowl fixed upon it. Her weapon of choice was a spear and she looked extremely intimidating, despite her small figure.

Many of the crowd were Ice Nation, as well as the Trikru, and they were already cheering for their potential-Commandee. The other majority of the crowd were cheering for Lexa, who was stood on the opposite side of Jade, looking just as fearsome as her competitor. She had her hair pulled back into its usual braids, and black eye makeup was covering those usually-peaceful green loving eyes I had known for almost all of my life. I found it difficult to adjust to the fact that this person was the same person I had fallen in love with.

Lexa looked around at the crowd momentarily, her eyes finding mine and staring for a little longer. Even from the distance we were at, I could see the loving look in her seemingly cold-looking eyes. I gave her a smile, forcing it out, hoping it would act as some sort of luck or reassurance for her. She only returned the gesture with a quick nod of her head before focusing on Jade, who was now smirking cockily.

It didn't take long before the two girls were spear against sword, fighting for the title of Commander. There were times when Lexa was on the verge of being killed, and there were times when Jade was, too. My hands gripped the bars that held the crowd out of the way, my knuckles turning white as each second passed. She was doing okay for now, but I wasn't sure how long that would last for.

Her body moved swiftly and timely, as if she had been practicing since she could walk, which she technically had. The clashing noise of both of their weapons rang out, barely being heard in contest with the raging crowd, and their actual facial expressions were hardly recognisable as they moved with such agility and speed, trying to kill one another.

Eventually, Lexa had managed to knock Jade's spear out of her hand, and had her on the ground at sword-point. Killing someone with a sword was something I was used to. I mean, that was my job as a warrior whenever there were intruders on our land. And as a grounder, I had grown up around that nature. But watching the love of your life, the one who you had shared those intimate unforgettable moments with, about to stab someone in cold-blood, wasn't something I could handle.

Unlike majority of the crowd who were practically at the edge of their seats as they watched the seconds count down to Jade's death, I averted my gaze and clenched my eyes shut, waiting for the tragic moment to be over and done with. I guess I could only be grateful for the fact that it was Jade who was dying, not Lexa.

Once some extremely loud cheering and ground-moving yells were heard from the crowd, I knew that it was over. All that needed to happen was for the flame to accept Lexa as its host, but otherwise the fights were over and the commander was pretty much standing.

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