Camp: Day 3

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As the days drew on we only got closer. We took classes, bought books, and went to readings. Whenever we had free time we would hang out in the creative writing house which was well equipped with couches and books full of poetry. Some days we went on adventures down the one strip of shops making up the butling metropolis of Farmington, Maine. Screen Writing class was one of the more fun courses we tooks. The ultimate goal was to listen to people's movie ideas and then build an utterly ridiculous scenario to add to it. I've never laughed so much about pink alien invasions, or people acting like dogs, bonus points if you manage to kill off all of your main characters, especially in the eyes of our eccentric instructor, Teal.

The story I pitched was essentially a road trip version of the Breakfast club. I wanted to pack a bunch of people inspired by my life into a bus and make them travel cross country. I wanted to watch it explode. My protagonist was going to visit her alcoholic dad who she hadn't talked to in years. Teal liked to concept but told me I need some sort of twist. I never thought it would be so hard to twist a story based in reality. Well I guess it wasn't that true to begin with. There was just some bitterness leftover from that night when it all went down.  

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