Chapter 6-The Letter

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I wake up, rubbing my eyes, to notice that the cellar is unusually quiet. Getting up, I walk over to the bars and look around to realize that no one's around.

"Hello?" I nervously call, "Harry? Liam? Louis? Niall? Zayn? Anybody??"

When I get no response, I sigh. Where the hell could they be? When the horrible thought that they could've all be punished crosses my mind, I suddenly become scared. I hope no one hurt them. Hopefully, if anything, the boys hurt them, but I doubt that actually happened because this place is filled with guards and security. That's about a one in a million possibility. Slumping down in the very uncomfortable and worn out mattress, I suddenly see a speck of brown peek out from underneath the bed. I get down on my hands and knees to grab it, only to realize that it's Harry's wallet. It must've fallen out of his back pocket when he left early this morning or late last night. I can't let anybody know that Harry was here because his wallet would be a dead giveaway that Harry was in here with me at some point, so, with quick thinking, I stick it inside the pillowcase. Nobody will think to look there. I then flip the pillow over so the wallet is on the bottom, lying right on top of the bed basically. 

I get lost in my thoughts for a good hour or so and I'm snapped out of them when I see Nathan standing at my cell door. I feel like a rat kept in its cage. Unloved. Uncared for. Just trapped here without a care as though I may actually like it down here. Not a chance.

"Where is everyone?" I ask quietly, not wanting to meet his glare because I don't want to see a facial expression on his face if there is even one there.

"Upstairs having breakfast. I came down to see if you were awake. Would you like to eat?"

"Where's Louis? How is he?" I ask, avoiding the subject of food. Louis is more important to me. More important than food.

"He's upstairs eating with the others. Are you hungry? I can bring the food down here or you can come upstairs with the rest of us-"

"I don't want any food," I blurt quietly.

"Liz you have to eat," Nathan sighs before unlocking my cell door.

"Don't you dare come in here you monster," I threaten, eventually finding the nerve to look him dead in the eye.

"Liz I didn't do that to Louis that was Perrie-"

"I don't care! You promised that you wouldn't hurt them and you lied-"

"I promised. Perrie didn't-"

"Well a promise goes for the both of you-"

"Liz you're being silly-"

"Shut up," I mutter grumpily.

The room goes unusually silent, not even the sounds of everyone's voices upstairs is heard from down here. I believe that Nathan didn't hurt Louis but I still find it rude that Perrie would do that to Louis because Nathan promised that he wouldn't hurt them. I cross my arms, looking down at the floor, when I notice Nathan hold out his hand for me to take out of the corner of my eye. 

"You trust me, don't you?" He asks quietly, causing me to just barely find the courage to meet his eye sight. 

"I don't want to go upstairs," I mutter before turning my gaze to the concrete wall.

"Alright. What would you like to eat? I'll bring it down to you."

"I don't want anything. I'd rather starve," I grumble miserably.

"You can't starve yourself when you're pregnant," Nathan tells me before backing up and shutting my cell door.

When his words register with my brain, I whip my head around to see what he meant by those words but Nathan's already begun to head back upstairs. What the hell did he mean by that?!? Feeling frightened by his words, I decide to lay down and sleep off the creepy vibe that he just gave me. 

I lay down on the pillow when I suddenly realize that I'm uncomfortable. Shifting my position, I finally get comfy when I hear the sound of something hit the floor. Looking down, I notice that it's Harry's wallet, but something else fell out alongside it. Picking up the neatly folded paper, I open it up and read it.

My Dearest Harry,

 I know our time together was short, but our feelings still remain strong. To whoever you end up with, I hope the two of you are very happy together. Just know that I will never stop thinking about you. You're on my mind every second of every day. I love you so much.

 Even though my parents didn't approve of us because they didn't understand our love and devotion for each other, I will never find someone as kind and as caring as you. You never failed to keep a smile on my face. Even though this sickness has come between the two of us, it will never be enough to keep us apart. I will always be in your heart, even though I can't personally be with you. I know how hard it was for you to cope when you first found out and I know it probably hurts reading about me bringing it up now but you have to be strong, please, for me, be strong. 

 And to your next love, I hope you realize how much you mean to Harry. When he falls in love with someone, he falls hard. But he will take care of you no matter what, just like he took care of me. 

 If it wasn't for your mother, Harry, you probably would've committed suicide. Thank god that didn't happen. Don't suffer just because I had to. Just think of all the wonderful opportunities that you would've given up if you took your own life away. I know that you're truly making history. 

 I just hope that you're still making the right decisions and the right choices. Please don't go down a path that you know you'll regret. Live your life to the fullest. Don't live it the way someone else wants you to. 

Please Harry, make yourself happy.

That's all I want...........

Is for you to be happy...........

I love you cupcake.........

 - J xoxo

Wiping my tears away, I neatly fold the note back up so I don't get any of my tears on it. So Harry had someone before me. But what happened?

"Liz?" I hear Nathan's voice call.

I quickly stick Harry's wallet back in my pillowcase and jump onto the bed, trying to act natural. He appears at my door with a small smile on his face. He's clearly happy about something.

"Come on," he holds out his hand after he unlocks and opens my door, "I have something to show you."

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