Chapter 53-Like A Tide I'll Come Back To You

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My breathing becomes staggered by his touch. The smell of his smoke makes my eyes water but I blink it away. He takes a step back, allowing me to have more personal space. I can tell he's stressed, but he doesn't seem to make anything of it. I don't understand, my family is finally coming back together yet I'm not even the slightest bit about about that. It bothers me that I'm not happy, and I can tell it's bothering the boys as well. I know the boys expect me to admit that I'm a pain the ass because I want attention, but it's not my fault that my life is so fucked up. I didn't choose to live my life this way. I don't get a choice. I just get thrown into this world where I'm expected to be happy all the time. Well, I'm sorry if I'm not as lucky as others...

"Zayn," I choke as I reach my hand out to him.

"You never want to do anything for anyone else, do you?" He snaps, turning around-but he manages to keep the volume of his voice under control. The question catches me off guard. 

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Your mother wants you to go to her wedding but you don't want to-"

"Oh, I see now," I sigh, knowing what's going on, "she put you up to this and told you to try to convince me to come, didn't she?"

"Yes but it's not just her," he pauses, "I want you to come to. She invited me-"

"Please don't go," I beg.

I think it's really awkward if they went to my mother's wedding. We're not dating and they're not related to me, so why go?

"I'm going whether you are or not-"

"Why?" I counter.

What the hell?!? I mean, I'm going whether you are or not. Since when does he care about my mother, or me? He has Perrie, or any other girl on the planet. What's with him suddenly caring about me and my family.

"If you go-" I stop myself.

"I'm going. I was invited and I told her that I would make an appearance-"

"I'll go if you'll agree to become One Direction again," I interrupt.

I want to go to my mother's wedding, even though I don't support it, I'm still going anyway. But I know the boys miss fame. So if we both do it, then we both win. I wait to hear a response from him but before he answers he pushes past me and storms out my bedroom door, slamming it behind him. Well then.....

Does he not want to go back into the band or something?!? Or is there more tension between the boys than I thought?!?

*1 Hour Later*

As I'm in the middle of reading Cody Simpson's biography book that I have been engulfed in ever since I purchased it a while back, the sound of knocking on my bedroom door startles me and sends me back to Earth. Well, my fantasy was nice while it lasted. 

"Liz..." I hear Nathan say over his knocking, "we need to talk.......about some things."

If he's expecting us to spend some daddy daughter time together, it's not gonna happen. I'm not five and he's not the father I want. I was nothing but an accident, and it's because of him that the accident occurred. It's his fault. Groaning, I roll off my bed and make my way over to the door, opening it for him. He quickly steps inside and shuts the door, locking it behind him.

This must be serious if he's locking the door......

"So how are you?" He asks, joining his hands together.

I give him the most dumbfounded look ever, because he caught me off guard. How am I?? Alright, I get it now, he must want something. That or he just enjoys asking stupid questions. I pick up my Cody Simpson book and place it on my nightstand before taking a seat on my bed. He must figure that it was a gesture for him to join me, so he does so, even though I don't want him to.

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