Not Just The Help - Part 6

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Yo yo yo, I recommend you listen to the music above, it's gorgeous and was my jam for writing this - it gives me ~feelings~ guys. Seriously it made me cry once. I also recommend 'A Thousand Years' by the Piano Guys because feels. 10/10 would recommend.


"Get off me... Stop it... Please..."

Sirius blinked his eyes open and searched groggily around for Remus. Remus had taken to sleeping in Sirius' bed since they got together because nobody else ever came up to Sirius' turret apart from Lily and he often got night-terrors which Sirius could help him through, he was a very empathic person and always knew what to say and when to kiss it better.

The bedsheets were twisted around Remus' shivering form, grasped tightly in his hands, his knuckles were bone-white and the tendons in his pale, freckled neck were taut.


Sirius sat up and gently reached for Remus' shoulder - he jerked awake, gasping and shivering.

Sirius just pulled him in for a hug, he knew Remus wouldn't want to speak quite so soon after a night-terror, so all he did was pull him closer, run his hands through his hair and rub his back.

Remus' shirt had rucked up around his waist during his terrified trashing and as Sirius ran his cool hands gently down the delicate bumps and ridges of Remus' spine and ribs, he felt scar tissue under his soft fingertips. As he felt around a little more, he uncovered a veritable map of criss-crossing scars across this shaking man's back. Sirius was shocked.

It explained why Remus never removed his under shirt though. Why he was always careful not to expose the flesh his shoulders or hips when removing outer clothing and why he sometimes flinched when he was touched unexpectedly. He didn't want anyone to know.

He hid it well, but Sirius didn't want him to have to hide it - Sirius wanted to find whoever did this, and deal with them.

Sirius gently separated himself from Remus and held him softly by the shoulders, looking protectively into Remus' puffy amber eyes he whispered, his voice full of barely contained rage,

"Who did this to you?"


Remus hung his head.

"Remus, please," Sirius whispered, "If you tell me they won't be able to hurt you anymore."

Remus looked up slowly, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"I promise," insisted Sirius gently.


Sirius exhaled through his nose,

"That bastard. I should've known. If he ever so much as touches you again, I will personally end him."

Remus breathed out a shaky sigh of relief and pressed his head against Sirius' chest.

Sirius smiled a small smile and bent his head to kiss Remus' tear-stained cheek, tracing the constellations in his freckles with a feather-light touch.

"I love you," mumbled Remus from against Sirius' bare chest.

"I love you too, no matter what happens, I will always love you."


Sorry about this guys, gals and non binary pals, but I don't think I'll carry on with this lil mini story, it's not really inspiring me to write anymore, feel free to write your own endings and tag me, I'd legit love to read them xxx


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