In 27 Days

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In 27 Days

By:  HonorInTheRain

Genre: Adventure

Cert:  PG-13


Hadley Jamison doesn't know what to think when she hears that her classmate, Archer Morales, committed suicide. She didn't exactly know him, but that doesn't stop her from feeling like there was something she could have done to help him.

So to Hadley's surprise, on the very night of Archer's funeral, she has a run in with Death himself and is offered the chance to go back in time to stop Archer from ending his life. The catch? She only has twenty-seven days to do it. And if Hadley doesn't succeed? Well, she doesn't want to think about that.

My Thoughts:

Let me just start by saying, I absolutely freaking love this story! Words can't even

Now I've got that off my chest I can move on :)

This book, no word of a lie, has taken over my life!

I can most definitly say that this book at one point,  became my life.

HonorInTheRain, had me from the word THE.

Now if you haven't read or heard of 'In 27 Days' Where have you been may I ask?

Until this day my friend and I still talk about this book as though it's the first time we have ever read it. Let me be the first to say that yes I have read it more times than I can remember.

I don't know what it is as to why I'm so addicted to this story but let me tell you, you will not be disappointed after reading this book.

The characters, description,plot,setting of the scene, is all fantastic and you are bound to fall in love with it just as much as I have.

Not usually one to read this type of genre, I can't actually remember how I found this book but flaming cheesesticks I can't think how I  managed to go so long without out it.

I can't even write a proper review and I know for a fact I'm not doing the story or HonorInTheRain any justice so all I can say to you is STOP, SEARCH and READ!

Obviously, I'll be recommending the sequel to this book 'Face Your Fears'. However it isn't complete just yet, which is probably why I have re-read 'In 27 Days' so much. But if you're like me and you can't resist then go for it full steam ahead and jump straight into the sequel like I did.

Surprisingly I have managed to keep myself 3 chapters behind the update so I never really suffer with the abusive cliffhangers.

Also HonorInTheRain has started doing a few one shots of this story written in the book 'Eyes Open' but of course don't read until you have read 'In 27  Days', beacause they will include spoilers! You have been warned.

As always, all books mention can be found in 'The Library' and any sequels I have mention will be in my 'Incomplete Sequels' section.

So go have a look and enjoy :)

Until next time,


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