Chapter 2

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"Fever, headaches, seizures, vomitting, and the list goes on. Could it be a tumor?" Lauren asked out loud to no one in particular.

"What could be a tumor?" Dinah asked suddenly entering the lounge.

"What the governor has."

"The governor is here?" She asked a bit shocked.

"Yes but keep it to yourself, it's supposed to be a secret."

"Right. So you're assigned to him?"

"Yes, ready to run some tests?"


"Alright, let's start with a regular blood test and check his white blood cell count. Normally, fever means infection so let's figure out where it's coming from."

Dinah nodded and headed out quickly to Mr. Anderson's room which was guarded by two special service officers. Meanwhile, Lauren stayed in the lounge, thinking what other tests would help her. A body scan was no help since all it showed was what you didn't have so she didn't believe in them. She always told Dinah it was against her religion or something like that, not that she actually mixed her personal beliefs with science.

She got up off the sofa and walked to the hospital's library where as usual, a bunch of interns studied because they were dying to start diagnosing patients. As soon as they laid eyes on her, they stopped and started to whisper among themselves. Words like legend, master, the best, and other praising words were what were said. Lauren knew she was considered a god to them or something. At first it was cool and all, but now it was straight up annoying. I mean imagine having people say things about you every time they were in your presence. Probably that's why she disliked them so much, and because they didn't know how to do anything.

She got to the other side of the library without saying anything rude because it was ridiculous to tell off some interns. Anyway, she got a glass whiteboard and started to write down the patient's facts, symptoms, and the lists of tests that she could do on him. The ones she ended up deciding to do, was a brain MRI, a lumbar puncture to test the cerebral-fluid around the spinal cord, and an analysis of any short sequence of the patient's DNA because she was sure his white blood cell count would be high. She had an idea of what disease this man had and these tests would help her see if she was correct.

She felt eyes on her and as she turned around, there were the group of interns, staring at probably everything she had come up with and written. She rolled her eyes and erased the patient's name and left everything else. She walked out and went up to the 8th floor where Mr. Anderson was being kept in the ICU, the most secrete patient room in the hospital. It's usual purpose was for the most ill patients, but they needed it for something else now. Following the rules, she put on the yellow gown and gloves to prevent infecting the room or getting infected.

She entered and met the governor. Many people would be happy and all jumpy, but Lauren acted in a professional matter because one, she was his doctor and two, not the time or place to act like a fan girl.

"My nurse should've came already and taken some of your blood." she told the man.

"Yes, she took quite a lot, I'm surprised I'm not dried up." he joked.

Dr. Jauregui chuckled, "It's for a good cause sir, we're trying to figure out what's wrong with you once in for all. Then you can actually go to the Bahamas."

"Looking forward to it."

"Well I'm going to do a lumbar puncture so I need you to lay on your side." she instructed.

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