Chapter Two

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I drove slowly, being cautious of the icy roads. The streets of New York were horrible this time of year, especially during early morning pursuits. After going home to my apartment last night and thinking it over for a while, I decided to keep my plans with Andy and let him explain himself. After all, everybody deserves a second chance.

Then again, Andy and I do have a complicated relationship. When I applied for college, I strived to get my masters degree in musical journalism. The only problem was that I needed one more essay and one more reference on my resume in order to get into the college that I dreamed of, which is UCLA. Well, long story short, my dad works with a former agent of Andy's band who informed him that Andy was in need of an intern.

Ever since last week, I've been working my butt off scheduling interviews and trying not to screw up his lunch order. Other than that, I have learned absolutely nothing about what I need to know for college. However, I have learned a lot about Andy and what he's really like off stage. Ever since Andy and I met, I have been studying him and writing down notes, which I'm going to be using to write my final essay.

Why do I need notes on Andy for my final essay? The answer is quite simple actually, my final essay is going to be on the one and only Andrew Dennis Biersack, and who he really is. You may be wondering how the hell did he ever agree to that?  Well, in all honesty, he didn't. He actually doesn't know anything about the essay. He only agreed to be my mentor so I could run his errands for him.

However, I'm hoping that this breakfast meeting might clear the air between us and let us get a fresh start. I thought positively as I pulled into the parking lot for Earth Cafe. I made sure to lock my car before entering the cafe, considering it was still New York City.

I walked in, getting a few stares, I ignored them and walked over to the first table I saw. I checked my watch to see the time "7:58" I said to myself quietly. I stared at the door and began to wait patiently for Andy to arrive.

Andy's POV *Trigger warning*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I leaned over to check the time, in doing so, I rolled off the side of my bed and landed on the floor. I looked down at the carpet to see those familiar red stains. I relapsed last night. "Shit" I muttered and went searching for a bottle of bleach in the bathroom.

After scrubbing the carpet clean, I went into the bathroom to bandage up my scabbed wrist. I thoroughly cleaned it with rubbing alcohol, which burned like a bitch, and wrapped it in gauze.

Finally, I checked the time and noticed that I was running late to me and Charlotte's meeting. I was going to tell her what's been going on, I figured that I could trust her, I mean I hope I can. She's the only company I have left, considering Juliet had left only a week ago and the rest of the band is always busy.

I decided to throw on a plain white tee shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans and black Doc Martins. I threw on my black leather jacket to cover my wrist. I brushed back my hair, put a little eyeliner under my eyes, and grabbed my wallet and keys, heading down to the parking garage of the apartment I was staying at during my visit to New York. I backed into the crowded streets, I thought L.A traffic was bad. In New York, you get honked at just for switching lanes.

I miss L.A and the warm weather so much, there's only a few more weeks until I get to go back. I'm only in New York because of Charlotte. She needed a mentor and I needed an intern, so I figured a month in the big apple wouldn't be too bad. Plus, I needed some time to myself to recuperate after me and Juliet's break up anyway.

Ever since she left, my life has been falling apart. I loved her, I gave her my heart and she took it just to throw it away. I truly thought that she was the one for me. We got married for God's sake, then one day, not even two months of us being married, she dumps me without an explanation.

The night of her absence, I went insane. I smashed every single framed picture I had of us in our house, I punched holes in the walls and mirrors, but I still wasn't satisfied. As I sat on the bathroom floor, surrounded by broken glass, trying to figure what in the hell I did wrong, I did it. I picked up a piece of glass and just kept slicing up and down my arm until I felt nothing. Ever since then, it's been like a drug to me. It eases all of the stress and pain.

However, after that night, we both agreed on keeping our separation a secret so the media wouldn't blow up on us. So, nobody knows that we're technically divorced. Hense, why I still wear my ring. As painful of a reminder it may be, it's for the best.

I pulled into the parking lot of the cafe, it was 8:02. I jogged through the parking lot, making my way to the entrance. I walked in, getting a few judgemental glares. I noticed Charlotte sitting in at a table in the corner. I made my way over there and sat down across from her.

A/N: Little cliffhanger, sorry about that! How do you think Charlotte is going to react to Andy's "news"? Let me know what you think! (I'll try to add a picture of Andy's outfit later, my laptop is being stupid dx)

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